Is it true that you can’t trust your partner? Well, don’t just assume without facts. First, you must analyze certain words and actions to come to that conclusion.

There are many valid reasons for not trusting your partner, so it’s never a rash decision based on only one or two negative instances. When you’re in a relationship, there will be issues, and this is just normal. However, repetitive inconsistencies will speak volumes.

There are valid reasons you can’t trust your partner

Healthy relationships are built on many things. Two of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship are communication and trust. Without trust, you don’t have security, and without communication, you build a wall between the two of you.

For now, we’re going to focus on trust. What are the signs that you cannot trust your partner?

1. Intuition

Otherwise known as the “gut feeling”, your intuition will tell you when something is off. When this happens, don’t panic. Just because you get a strange vibe, this doesn’t mean that you cannot trust your partner. But, paired with other indicators, it CAN be the case.

So, it’s important just to consider your intuition and wait for validation in other areas.

2. Lack of communication

As I stated before, communication is one of the building blocks of a healthy relationship. And sometimes the inability to communicate can mean something deeper. It can indicate that your partner may not be trustworthy.

After all, if they do not communicate some things with you, should you trust them? Why are they refusing to talk to you about certain issues in their lives? Not everything that’s held back means deception, mind you, but it’s just important to look into why there is a lack of communication in the first place.

3. Too many inconsistencies

Maybe you can’t trust your partner if there are too many things that do not make sense. We are all human, and we forget things or fail to follow through sometimes. But if the consistencies are repetitive, then there may be a cause for concern.

If your significant other is not pulling their share of the weight in the relationship and you feel like you cannot count on them, it’s time to do some soul searching. After all, inconsistent behavior and untrustworthiness are two sides of one coin. Meaning that one relates to the other, and one causes the other.

4. Little white lies

Have you ever heard of the term “little white lies”? It seems kind of harmless, doesn’t it? Well, the truth is, it’s just lies, period. On the other hand, many see little white lies as indicators that someone is just scared to be themselves with their truths.

But can you trust them if they cannot be honest? Doesn’t seem like you can. While telling these fibs may not be 100% untrustworthy, it’s still something to think about when weighing other factors.

5. Asking follow-up questions

Do you find yourself asking someone a question just to ask them three or four more for clarity? To explain this better, I will give you an example. If you ask your partner where they’re going, and they just say, “Out”, then you may be prompted to follow up with, “What time will you be back?” Then your partner may say, “Later”.

Interactions like this can be aggravating, and it can also be concerning. It can make seeds of insecurity grow in the relationship. Can you really trust them if they’re unable to provide a bit more information? Let’s face it, few people like short answers, and they usually indicate something more.

6. They’re making accusations

If your partner is snooping through your things and accusing you of being untrustworthy, this could be an indicator. Either you’re dating a controlling person, or they’re projecting their actions onto you. They could be the ones who are doing things behind your back and then accusing you of the deception.

It’s a seemingly clever way of manipulating you. You can’t trust your partner if they’re doing this to you.

7. Constant flirtations

Personally, I’ve known quite a few people who are just flirtatious. And tolerance for this behavior varies from one relationship to the next. However, if you’re obviously not okay with overt flirtatious behavior, then when it happens anyway, it could be a sign that you can’t trust your partner.

This is especially true if they’ve not been flirtatious in the past. If someone in particular is the object of their flirtatious behavior, then pay close attention to the interaction. Again, it’s important to understand your partner’s natural demeanor beforehand.

8. No support

When things get tough, does our partner fall back into the shadows and pretend they don’t know about your problems? If so, this can be very concerning and heartbreaking. And it means you might not be able to trust your partner after all.

Supporting each other is one of the most important things in a relationship. If there is no support during the bad times, the relationship is not healthy.

Can you trust your partner?

Once more, I will urge you to weigh these things together. There can always be underlying issues in the relationship that cause each of these problems, to a degree, of course. But if you’re seeing two or more of these signs in your relationship, it’s time to confront your partner in hopes that you can salvage the relationship.

And not all relationships are meant to last, so never force something that lacks proper trust. A healthy relationship, after all, is the ultimate goal, so never settle for less.

If you think you can save your relationship, please seek professional help before giving up on your partner. And always indulge in self-care to keep yourself healthy, both physically and mentally, while navigating your life.

I hope this helped and I wish you a wonderful day.

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