Infidelity is a huge problem. There are mixed opinions on the dynamics of relationships, but in my opinion, cheating is not a healthy one. So, who is more prone to infidelity?

There are various forms of romantic relationships, and that’s perfectly fine. Consensual intimate unions come in all different ‘shapes and sizes’ per say.

However, breaking a bond of trust is not part of that understanding. There are those who agree not to step outside the union and there are those who are okay with it. Still, this is not what cheating means.

Careers with high infidelity rates

Now, that I’ve cleared that up, we can look at the most prevalent infidelity rates in various careers. A study claims that certain careers have higher rates of cheating. Infidelity seems to be more common in one area of employment than in another.

Here’s a bit of information that might interest you. Keep in mind, surveys are questionnaires, and the people who answer these questions have personal experience in this area.

1. The medical field-women

Three different sources stated that the medical field was the most common workplace of women cheaters. This could be due to the high-stress levels and long hours.  In one source, 20% of women in the medical field are said to commit adultery, with only 8% of male cheaters falling into this career category.

However, in another source, it seems men are more prone to cheat in the medical field. Now, before you pass judgment, consider a few things.

  • This doesn’t mean that every doctor, nurse, or practitioner is a cheater.

2. Trade work

When it comes to trade work, this can mean any type of work from electricians to plumbers. There are many structured trades where manufacturing facilities are included as well. The reason why infidelity is prevalent in this career is that the shift hours and overtime allow for ‘under the radar’ cheating.

Almost 30% of men cheat in this career field, while only 4% of women are cheaters.

  • Not all overtime work equals a cheating spouse either.

3. Teachers

Most unfaithful teachers are women. When it comes to infidelity, 12% of all female teachers are not faithful. Men are less inclined to cheat because they seem to encounter less stress in the classroom, hence less pressure.

Female teachers are sometimes seen as vulnerable by students, hence their higher stress levels. Stress is often seen as an excuse for cheating.

  • There are many great teachers who do not cheat on their spouses.

4. Information Technology

Likewise, men are more prone to cheating in the information technology career sector. Again, 12% of male workers in I.T. were found to be cheaters. And following close behind, 8% of women in Information Technology are also cheaters.

Most people assume that people in this career field are shy, but maybe not to the degree that infidelity is off the table.

5. Entrepreneurs

The ability to set your own hours also gives you the ability to keep those actual hours to yourself. This makes infidelity in a relationship fairly easy to do as a business owner.

In fact, both men and women, at 11%, are guilty of stepping outside the relationship, when it comes to the freedom of being entrepreneurs.

  • A larger percentage of entrepreneurs do not cheat.

6. Finance

Women are more prone to cheat in the Finance career field. In fact, 9% of women bankers, analysts, and brokers tend to have relations outside the marriage.

This could be due to the power of dealing with money and assets, as women are seen as more powerful. This is attractive to some men, and a small percentage of women cannot resist the temptation.

  • Dealing with finances and even feeling powerful does not equal cheating. Infidelity comes from the mindset and how people deal with power and controlling money.

7. Hospitality and retail

Men and women have almost the same percentage rate of being a cheater in this career field. When it comes to men, 8% are unfaithful and 9% of women are involved in infidelity.

Service workers deal with so many people and work long hours. This career field also has the largest divorce percentage as well. This is probably due to the fact that infidelity is always a possibility as long as you continue working around the public and within hotels, where private rooms are readily available.

  • Considering percentages are low in this career field, there are still many people who keep their personal and professional lives separate.

8. Entertainment industry

This may seem surprising, but only 4% of female celebrities and 3% of male celebrities in the entertainment industry were found to be cheaters. While news reports, social media, and magazines talk about all the infidelity with actors, singers, and comedians, it’s mostly rumors.

While there are numerous breakups and divorces in the entertainment industry, it seems there is less cheating than with other professions.

  • It’s interesting to note the difference between what we think we know about Hollywood and what we really know. Fame doesn’t always equal infidelity.

9. Legal profession

Lawyers and others in the legal profession often work closely with clients, hence the risk of cheating in certain circumstances. In this category, both male and female legal professionals have the same cheating percentages. In this career, 4% of both men and women commit adultery.

  • Many lawyers, judges, and secretaries in this field are faithful. In fact, most of them are.

Judge for yourself, but with hard proof

According to Ashley Madison, there are several other career fields ripe with cheaters, including real estate, agriculture, and insurance. However, the only sure way to catch a cheater is to pay attention to the signs.

It’s also noted that people are more likely to cheat when reaching an age milestone like 29, 39, and especially 49, as they attempt to prove that they are still attractive to others.

Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to predict whether your partner will cheat or not. So, it’s best to trust and watch for the signs.

Although understanding which career fields are more prone to induce cheating, it’s important to note that the infidelity rates found by this survey are not a failproof predictor. So, you must be careful not to use accusations according to your loved one’s job choice.

I hope this helped with understanding and providing a bit of additional information.



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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jenny

    I think you accidentally misread the data and articles for these stats you provided.

    The statistics are not that 20% of women in medicine ‘cheat’, but that 20% of the *female respondents* who admit they cheat, reported that their career was in medicine.

    Similarly, the same survey found that 30% of male respondents who claimed to be unfaithful, said they were employed in a trade (plumber, electrician, etc.) and 4% of female respondents who admit to cheating were also in a trade vocation.

    “30% of men who work in trades admit to cheating” is very, very different than “30% of men who admit to cheating (in this survey) work in trades.”

    Hope that makes sense!

  2. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.


    Yes, this makes plenty of sense, and hopefully, this point is taken from the article. But if anyone is confused, they can read your comment and understand. Yes, the ones that reported that they do cheat are coming from these higher statistics. Thank you for the correction.

  3. Cheryl

    I worked for the Department of Defense. Pandora Box……
    So much cheating and lies. Especially, when you have government and contractors working around each other.

  4. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

    Power! It’s just pure power and dominance.

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