Everything about education: distant learning, foreign language learning, studying abroad, tips for students and reading strategies

Why Humanities Students Just Can’t Study Science, and Vice Versa

There is an age-old rivalry on every university campus in the world — and it isn’t among fraternities and sororities. Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been divided into two competing factions, each believing it is better than the other, neither understanding exactly how the other thinks, and both…

The Philosophy of Learning and Educational Success According to John Dewey

Noted Philosopher, Academic, and Educator John Dewey developed a unique perspective in regards to the concepts of life and the philosophy of learning. John Dewey believed there was a strong correlation between philosophy and education. He was also a strong proponent of continual education though not always through traditional means. For…

Bilingual People’s Brains Work in a Different, More Effective Way

Remember when schools used to mandate learning a second language? Sometimes they would go as far as bringing in the native speaking teachers to help with the process? Well, now we are starting to understand why learning a second language is so vital. Not only does it help increase the…

How to Find Out What Career Suits You and Pick the Right Course

The most important decision you can ever make is choosing the right career. Understanding the right profession and choosing the right area of study will help you succeed, prosper and live a happy life. However, picking the right course is one of the most complicated issues that a student will…

Curiosity Changes Brain Functions and Enhances Learning

Have you ever wondered what happens when we get curious about something? Well, we obviously try to learn things concerning the thing that interests us, and we search for information. But have you noticed that when you find that information, absorbing and retaining it actually becomes easier than normal? One…