Are you looking for some food for thought? Intriguing theories and ideas, thought-provoking questions, books, and quotes to entertain your mind with
Plato’s philosophy of education is a fascinating idea and one that Plato wanted to be implemented into Ancient Athenian society. Scholars still study and discuss it today, but what’s interesting is how Plato’s theory of education has influenced many beliefs and principles that modern society holds. It is a model…
Colin Wilson was ever the Outsider. As he huddled in his frigid room in Brockley, a South London suburb, alone on Christmas Day, he contemplated his position. He was alone, in isolation. He had no family or close relation to share that Christmas with. His girlfriend was at her parents’…
Have you ever walked into a tiny room and thought ‘I couldn’t swing a cat in here?’ Have you ever ‘rubbed someone up the wrong way?’ These are examples of phrases we use all the time, but do you know their origins? I love words. I love metaphors, words that…
What’s so great about weird movies? Some movies can be mind-bending. Others might make us question things we thought were set in stone. And others still might bring us face to face with things that are part of us but better left undisturbed. And there are weird movies. No matter…
Eastern philosophy does not differ from other philosophic teachings in its overall objective. This is to teach us to be wiser individuals and to ultimately provide guidance as to how to live well. Therefore, Eastern philosophical ideas are no different from Western philosophy is this sense. The distinction lies in…
Does anyone fancy a ham and cheese stamford? You might be eating one right now if that particular Earl had invented what we all now know as the sandwich. Here are some other origins of words that come from people’s names. It’s a famous story but let’s just recap for…
Brexit has caused deep divisions in households in the UK. In France, the ‘gilets jaunes’ are threatening to bring the country to a standstill over rising fuel costs. Can conflict theory help us understand why? If you’ve noticed that the world seems to be getting a lot less tolerant these…
It is all too easy to focus on the wrong things, but these philosophical quotes will remind you of what is truly important in life. Philosophy offers a lot to the world. More than anything, it gives us insights into what is really important in life. Work, money and other…