Are you looking for some food for thought? Intriguing theories and ideas, thought-provoking questions, books, and quotes to entertain your mind with
Epicurean philosophy has been one of the most influential schools in philosophy to guide what really makes people happy. Philosophy has always had at its heart the pursuit of happiness and the greater good. It seeks to understand life and how we can enjoy it to its fullest. There are…
Luckily, the majority of us have free speech, but what about freedom of thought? Surely we own our thoughts? There is nothing that can influence them? I mean, we are not living in some dystopian future where we have to monitor what we think. And as far as I’m aware,…
Have you ever wondered if there is a name for something that you love? Well, it turns out there probably is. The word ‘phile’ is a person who has a love or obsession with a particular thing and comes from the ancient Greek word for love ‘phileein’. Moreover, you may…
What is it about fairy tales that captivate the imaginations of children? Could it be that underneath the thin veneer of fiction lies a much darker truth to the tales? Did you know that the most famous fairy tales are based on gruesome real-life stories? Here are just a few:…
How do we know whether our truths are the real truths, or is the truth simply an illusion? What Is the Difference Between Objective and Subjective Truth? Truth is a continuous concept in all places, all situations, and at all times. However, what one person believes to be the truth…
With the world so divided at the moment, it seems everyone we talk to has a completely different opinion. I think it’s all very well to have an intelligent conversation. You broaden your outlook. You get to hear another side of the topic. But sometimes you come across a person…