Are you looking for some food for thought? Intriguing theories and ideas, thought-provoking questions, books, and quotes to entertain your mind with
8 Philosophy Jokes That Hide Profound Life Lessons in Them
Philosophy can often be wordy, complicated and difficult to engage with, but philosophical jokes can provide an alternative to this. Adding humour to this philosophy through jokes may make engaging with it more fun. Moreover, it helps build an understanding of interesting and profound philosophical ideas. This article will take…
5 Zen Teachings That Will Help You Become a Wiser and Calmer Person
There are several Zen teachings that can be profoundly useful to our well-being. We can often feel worried, angry, confused or a number of other unhealthy emotions at various times in our lives. Zen teachings can help us deal and understand these emotions to make us much wiser and calmer…
10 of the Greatest Philosophical Novels of All Time
Reading philosophical novels can be a brilliant way to engage in philosophical themes, ideas and teachings. It is quite understandable how one may find it daunting to tackle a thick, multivolume non-fiction work by someone like Arthur Schopenhauer or Immanuel Kant. Coming across something like Schopenhauer’s The World as Will…
7 Captivating Fantasy Novels That Also Teach Profound Life Lessons
There are many books which teach us lessons about life, but fantasy novels teach some of the most memorable ones. One thing I can say about reading is that it transports us to another place. It soothes our frustrations at times as well. It even changes our lives by introducing…
8 Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes That Will Help You Reach Inner Peace
If you’re struggling with inner peace, it’s hard to find a place of sanctuary. However, Jiddu Krishnamurti quotes can help. It’s not easy finding peace sometimes. Just when you think you’ve got everything under control and rolling smoothly, something blindsides you, knocking you out of your state of pure love.…
7 Must-Read Fiction Books That Will Leave a Mark on Your Soul
Reading is an important part of life, truly. There are many must-read fiction books that are sure to impress you. Despite the uprising of technology and ever-changing modifications of modern times, reading is still a timeless treasured activity. I remember a time when reading books, you know, the ones you…