Everything you need to know about dark personalities, manipulators, and abusers. Learn to recognize them and understand their game before it even starts.

7 Phrases Mean People Use (Claiming They’re Just Being Honest)

The phrases mean people use may be a bit different from things narcissists say. This is because, while being manipulative is mean, not every mean-spirited person uses manipulation. Mean people use many phrases to either purposely hurt or simply avoid others. These sayings can be singular insults or complete sentences…

How to Annoy a Toxic Person: 6 Tactics to Use That Actually Work

Toxic people drag us down with constant criticisms, negative attitudes and bad behavior. Some are deliberate in their actions, taking enormous pleasure from wreaking havoc, whereas others seem blissfully unaware of their negative impact. It’s difficult to walk away or ignore toxic people if they’re family members or work colleagues.…

7 Signs Someone Has an Inflated Sense of Self-Importance

An inflated sense of self-importance may lead to decreased empathy and many other negative traits. A balance of self-worth is much healthier and more fulfilling. A balance of self-importance is healthy and ultimately leads to better relations. Understanding your worth and striving to improve yourself daily through introspection is crucial.…