Everything you need to know about dark personalities, manipulators, and abusers. Learn to recognize them and understand their game before it even starts.

Can a Sociopath Fall in Love and Feel Affection?

Can a sociopath fall in love? Sociopaths lack empathy, are manipulative and pathological liars. They inveigle their way into people’s lives using charm and deceit for personal gain. So, the obvious answer is no. But sociopaths are not born sociopathic. Psychopaths are. Psychopaths' brains work differently from the rest of us.…

Do Narcissists Feel Guilt for Their Actions?

I don't know about you, but narcissists seem to be everywhere these days. From preening pop stars, self-centred celebrities to your Facebook-filtered friends. Narcissists have an inflated ego and an exaggerated sense of importance. They are arrogant, feel entitled, and will manipulate you until they get want they want. But…

9 Things Covert Narcissists Say to Poison Your Mind

These days narcissism has become a dirty word. People are turning away from the self-absorbed selfie-takers and the over-sharers. Nowadays, it’s all about looking outwards with understanding, not banging on about thigh gaps and contouring. The emphasis is on compassion, helping those who have nothing, caring about the environment, and…