Empath and HSP

Are you an empath or an HSP? Learn to use your high sensitivity as a gift and not as a curse. Find out the ways to cope with overwhelm and anxiety.

6 Triggers for Empaths and How to Protect Yourself

6 Triggers for Empaths and How to Protect Yourself

Empaths are highly sensitive people who can tune into other people’s feelings. Often called emotional sponges, empaths feel another person’s…

3 months ago

8 Signs of a Sigma Empath: Are You One of These Rare Personalities?

Sigma empaths are rare and fascinating people. A sigma empath is an empath with sigma personality traits. We often read…

8 months ago

8 Traits of a Super Empath: Find Out If You Are One

What is a super empath? You might think it means an empath with heightened sensitivity. You’re right, but it’s complicated.…

1 year ago

Are Empaths Real? 7 Scientific Studies Suggest the Existence of Empaths

We've all heard of empathy and empaths. We also know that a lack of empathy is associated with sociopaths and…

2 years ago

8 Secret Superpowers of Highly Sensitive People You Had No Idea about

Being a highly sensitive person is often phased as being “over-sensitive” and portrayed negatively. The truth is, being a highly…

2 years ago

6 Signs You Are a Selfless Person & Hidden Dangers of Being One

Do you ever feel exhausted for no reason? Have you ever felt taken advantage of but didn’t like to say?…

3 years ago

8 Signs You Have Highly Developed Cognitive Empathy

How do you react when you see another human being in pain? How about when children or animals are suffering?…

4 years ago

5 Best Jobs for Empaths Where They Can Fulfil Their Purpose

Emotional empaths are highly sensitive people. They feel their own emotions and the emotions of others more deeply than anyone…

4 years ago

8 Signs You Have an Intense Personality and What It Means

We talk about intensity like it is a bad thing. But what does it mean to have an intense personality…

4 years ago

5 Ways City Living Is Poisoning Empaths & Highly Sensitive People

City living is a crucial element of the modern lifestyle. Estimates show that by 2050, 68% of the population in…

4 years ago