Explore your personality with its traits, strengths, and weaknesses and learn how this will help you in life. Are you ready to face your true self?
Does physical contact make you uncomfortable? Are you embarrassed by emotional outbursts? Do you wish you had more close relationships but you’re afraid of being abandoned? If you can relate to this, you may have grown up with emotionally unavailable parents, but these are the consequences. What are the signs?…
If someone hates you secretly, they will act in a much different way. Unlike people who blatantly dislike you, they will be a bit more covert in their actions and words. The only thing worse than being outright hated is when someone hates you secretly. It’s worse because, sometimes their…
A master manipulator is experienced in the art of control. Utilizing certain maneuvers, these dangerous individuals can leave wounds that are hard to heal. We talk of manipulation and control quite often, including examples of them in lists of how to recognize a narcissist. We learn techniques for disarming toxic…
It’s easy to spot the obvious signs a relationship is over, but what about subtle signs? Unless something drastic happens like an affair or abuse, people don’t just walk away suddenly, there’s usually a gradual decline in both physical and emotional intimacy. In this article, I want to examine the…
With hindsight, a narcissist’s mind games are plain to see. However, it’s much harder to spot them at the beginning of a relationship. Narcissists use a variety of manipulation techniques. For instance, love bombing hooks you in initially. Then they keep you dangling with hot and cold behaviors designed to…
I’ve had the misfortune of meeting a few manipulative types in my life. One was my controlling-coercive ex-partner, and the other was a ‘friend’ that lied about practically everything. Each had their own techniques and tricks. My ex would undermine my confidence and isolate me. My friend was a pathological…
Have you ever met an arrogant person and thought they didn’t live up to their own hype? We typically associate arrogance with an inflated ego and a sense of superiority, but arrogance can also be a shield for insecurity. We know there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, but…
Has anyone ever described you as a polarizing person? What did they mean by that? Is it a good or bad thing? Polarizing person definition Polarizing people have robust opinions they are not afraid of sharing. They can appear passionate and heartfelt, but also abrasive and arrogant. It all depends…