Explore your personality with its traits, strengths, and weaknesses and learn how this will help you in life. Are you ready to face your true self?
We sometimes assume that wisdom and intelligence are the same. But there are some special traits that mark out a wise person from someone who is just smart. Most of us know someone who just exudes wisdom. These are the people we confide in when we experience struggles or who we…
Those with an intuitive personality are often misunderstood. We think and act differently to our family and friends which can be frustrating for both sides. It is natural for humans to want to be understood. In fact, it is one of our deepest desires. That is why we look for…
There are some subtle social cues that speak more truth than people's words. Learn how to read them to understand people's hidden thoughts and intentions. How can you tell what a person is really thinking or saying? Do you rely on the words they use or is there another way…
Being an analytical thinker is certainly a great power. But what if I told you that there are certain downsides to being one? Are you the kind of person that has a tendency to overthink things? Have you ever been called a geek and not really minded? Or would you…
If you have a friend or a parent with an ISFJ personality, you are truly blessed. Below are 10 reasons why these people are of the greatest you’ll ever meet. The Myers-Briggs personality types define sixteen unique personality types, the core aspect being whether you are more likely to act…
If you learn to recognize the secret language of manipulators, it will be much more difficult for them to take advantage of you. If you have ever encountered a sociopath, psychopath, narcissist or other deviant personality type, you might have wondered how on earth you got conned, played, used, tricked…
Many people believe that we each have twin souls or twin flames who we are meant to be with. But how do you know if you have met yours? The idea that we each have a twin soul or twin flame originates from Plato. He told how humans once had…
Autotelic is derived from the Greek words “auto,” meaning self, and “telos,” meaning goal. It is the belief that any action has its own meaning and purpose within itself. An autotelic sees the world in a different way. Instead of being driven be external world rewards, such as money or…