Learn how to use the potential of your brain: strategies to boost your brain power and cognitive functions such as memory, problem-solving, and focus

How to Improve Your Attention to Detail & Why It’s Important

Attention refers to how we interpret specific information and experiences at a given moment in time. However, at any given moment, the mind can have numerous thoughts, sensations, and actions vying for its attention. Unfortunately, our ability to pay attention to detail is limited. If we allow our attention to…

5 Benefits of Slow Thinking, According to Science

In a world where everything inexorably requires us to speed up, most people’s intuition tells them that being faster is better. However, according to research, our intuition may not always be as good as we think it is. Moreover, thinking slow may have several benefits over fast thinking in a…

Key Differences between Internal and External Locus of Control

When something goes wrong in your life, do you tend to blame yourself or someone else? Psychologists call this type of ‘blaming’ or ‘attribution of success or failure’ our Internal and External Locus of Control. Sounds complicated, right? Well, it’s not, and it can affect how happy your life is.…

Mental Laziness Is More Common Than Ever: How to Overcome It?

We live in a modern society where information is available constantly. We’re able to instantly access what’s going on in faraway countries and we can immediately see how millions of other people feel about it. This is causing more and more of us to develop mental laziness. Instead of thinking…