An introvert’s world is very different from the world most people live in. In this category, you will find articles about introverts that will help you make most of your quiet side and find your path in the extroverted society.
Are you an introvert and want to become social? I have to admit something. I have to admit that I am a natural introvert and a very social person. “What? How is that possible?” you might ask yourself. Well, it is possible, but not easy. And it hasn’t always been…
Introvert characteristics can become your greatest asset if you learn to use their power. It often feels like this is an extrovert’s world. After all, you’re expected to market yourself, create a personal brand to sell yourself, and do a thousand other things in order to wrench the spotlight in…
Many of us have spent our entire lives feeling that being quiet is a sort of flaw that makes us less good than our more extroverted friends. We may have been told repeatedly, by teachers and parents, that we need to speak up and stop being so quiet. I was lucky; my…
If you believe that you have an ambivert personality, you will probably identify with the traits on this list. There is plenty of information available detailing the good and the bad sides of being either an introvert or an extrovert. But what if you don’t identify with either of these…
If you are an introvert, then you probably love autumn, just like I do. I can say with certainty that it’s my favorite time of the year. There is nothing like the season of fallen leaves, rainy days and hours spent at home with a warm drink and a good…
Old Souls can be defined in many ways, mainly that they are wise beyond their years and like spending time alone. They also like doing things that generally elderly people enjoy, no matter their actual age. If you’ve experienced any of these common problems, you’re probably an old soul too:…
A cold person with a sensitive soul may sound self-contradictory at first, but the truth is that many cold and distant people hide a vulnerable, sensitive nature. Growing up, I always was cold-tempered and reserved. I never cried like the other kids and rarely showed any kind of emotions and…
If you are an introverted woman, you probably identify with the challenges described in this article. That’s it. I’m an introvert. Moreover, I’m a woman. Here is my confession of an introverted woman who sometimes hates the extrovert-focalized world, who sometimes leaves for a weekend to the country where no…