How to unleash your potential and be happy & successful: self-improvement tips and strategies for brain power, spiritual growth, and personal development

How Simplifying Things Can Help You Deal with the Complexities of Life

There are more things in our world than any person can expect to learn. As we grow in life, we learn new perspectives and new skills, acquire a better understanding and have to fight through complexities as they arise. A lot of life seems complicated – arithmetic, language, the costs of…

Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-Creator

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner to the observer. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance. If you believe synchronicity is simply a coincidence, then you haven’t read any of…

Top 5 Most Effective Tips for Self-Improvement and Success

There are hundreds of books out there which will let you know how you should make improvements in your personality. Additionally, you can attend lectures and workshops to learn some more great techniques, however, you must remember that self-improvement is not just about the way how you look, but it…

5 Signs of an Energy Vampire Who Kills your Time and Energy

There are many different articles describing how to protect yourself from energy vampires. Many people believe that energy vampires are some kind of an evil cult and that chances of meeting one are slim to none. One of the definitions of an energy vampire that seems to resonate with the…

What If We Live in a Matrix and Reality Is a Computer Program?

Patterns and coincidences occur around us every day. We notice them in things like the flower of life and the golden ratio. Numbers and sequences are found all over in life, and mathematics is considered the only consistent global language, because, as engineers will all say, the numbers never lie.…