How to become a happier and better person? Personal development tips and techniques to improve your personality traits and change your attitude.

9 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness and How It Can Help You in Life

Many people feel that having great mental toughness is something you either have or don’t have. Contrary to this popular belief, being mentally strong is not a quality or a talent that is only bestowed upon fortunate or gifted individuals. Every person has their fair share of challenges in life,…

Why Deep People Often Feel Alone and Misunderstood (and What They Can Do about It)

Do you often feel alone and misunderstood by other people? Believe me, you are not the only one who feels this way. There are many people out there who feel alone and misunderstood and can even be underestimated by others because of certain personality traits. Paradoxically, these individuals are usually…

Loners Are Some of the Most Intellectual and Loyal People You’ll Ever Meet

Loners are some of the most intellectual and loyal people you would ever meet. In fact, their intelligence makes them capable of being content in solitude. That’s why I grow weary of all the negative talk about those who wish to enjoy time alone, away from the multitude. Being a…

7 Hidden Dangers of Ignoring Your True Potential You May Be Unaware of

When we refuse to recognize our true potential, it may have some negative consequences on our life over time. The world holds many success stories. Sadly, though, it holds many more regrets and broken dreams. How many of us spend our lives doing what is expected? College, a good respectable…

5 Tell-Tale Signs You Are Wasting Your Life (and Won’t Even Admit It)

Are you wasting your life without even knowing it? Let's find out. We all had dreams when we were children, some more realistic than others, but all attainable with the right amount of sacrifice, dedication and tenacity. Of course, things can get in the way of dreams, but some of…

5 Famous Writers and Their Motivational Tips to Help You Kill Procrastination

Procrastination often makes us spending our valuable and productive time doing meaningless things and everything else but writing. Famous writers know it very well. Sometimes, you sit down at the table and it just doesn't happen. How often do you find yourself procrastinating, unable to come with a single good damn sentence?…