How to unleash your inner power and find your path in life with the help of spirituality? Learn about spiritual growth and psychic development.

10 Levels of Consciousness – Which One Are You At?

Many spiritualist or esoteric traditions have mapped out the idea that people's consciousness could exist at different levels. The below system proposes 10 distinct levels of consciousness: 1. The physical level of consciousness On the first level, you identify with the physical and material realm completely. You are an embodiment…

The Twelve Laws of Karma That Will Change Your Life Forever

Did you know that the laws of karma influence your life in many ways? The idea of karma says that every action causes a reaction. However, because of the complicated nature of the universe, it is impossible to predict what that reaction might be. It is like the Butterfly Effect,…

Things That Cause Your Heart Chakra to Block and How to Open It

Heart Chakra (or known as anahata=unstruck) is the 4th element of the 7 Chakras which contributes to a harmonious development of our wellbeing. Anahata holds the sacred spark of divinity and intuition, being the integration point for the other chakras. The Heart Chakra is all about love, free spirit, joy,…