How to unleash your inner power and find your path in life with the help of spirituality? Learn about spiritual growth and psychic development.
If the West is now experiencing a meditation and Eastern philosophy fad rush, it has Alan Watts to thank for it. Centuries before Alan Watts and his meditation guidelines popularized Eastern thought for western audiences, throngs of mystics and ascetics had been practicing numerous meditative paths on their way to…
Prana is the Sanskrit word for vital life force. If your prana energy is out of balance, then fixing it can transform your health and wellbeing. When our prana energy is strong, we feel happy, healthy and balanced. However, our prana or life force can become blocked and distorted by…
Positive mantras create a powerful sound vibration that aligns the mind, body and spirit to divine energy helping us achieve peace, balance and success. First of all, let's discuss the concept and the definition of mantra. What is a mantra? The word Mantra comes from ancient Sanskrit. ‘Man’ means mind,…
Solar plexus chakra is one of the most commonly blocked ones and thus often requires healing. During our existence, the pitfalls of a blocked solar plexus chakra can accumulate all sorts of problems and make us encounter obstacles on our way. These include financial difficulties and misfortune in love or…
Before you are motivated to complete a deed, you must harness your power of intention. This power is the driving force behind attaining your dreams. What’s stopping you from doing the things you want to do? Is it a person? Is it a situation? Well, some of you may say…
Throughout history, there have been incredible prophets and famous psychics who truly became eminent with their predictions and their awe-inspiring ability to identify hidden information. Daniel (of the Bible), the mystic Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce are three well-known personalities who are distinguished by their ability to see the future. These…
People with empath powers can read the emotions of others and know a person's character when they first meet them. Are you a tremendously spiritual person and feel that the physical world and everything that it brings is heavy? You may have empath powers if you feel constantly tired and…
The power of the third eye opening is something that everyone can really learn and feel. It gives you access to deeper knowledge. Today, there is a collective awakening that changes the limiting conditions of humanity. Unfortunately, the pineal gland is also prone to calcification due to processed foods and…