What should you do to become successful? Learn self-improvement tips to develop skills, attitudes, and qualities that will bring you closer to success.

7 Struggles Only Highly Intelligent People Will Understand (and How to Overcome Them)

Being smart has huge benefits, but it isn’t always easy. Here are seven problems highly intelligent people often have and a few ways to overcome them. 1. Highly intelligent people can be under more pressure to achieve success For people who have always done well academically, there can be huge…

How Social Rejection Fuels Creativity in Independent People

It seems that for those with an independent self-concept, social rejection can increase their creativity levels, studies showed. Social acceptance and the need to belong As human beings, we are often conflicted between the need to be liked and the need to be different. Human beings are fundamentally tribal. In…

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Necessarily Be Rational in Order to Achieve Your Goals

When it comes to planning, the traditional reasoning argued that you have to be rational in order to achieve your goals. So, even people who had a natural inclination towards an intuitive approach had to force themselves to be rational, no matter what. But the truth is both approaches have…

What Is Imposter Syndrome and How to Know If You Suffer from It

What do Albert Einstein, Maya Angelou, Kate Winslet and Mike Myers all have in common? They have all suffered from imposter syndrome. What Is Imposter Syndrome? Imposter Syndrome is a term to describe a feeling high achievers have when they cannot recognize their success and are afraid of being exposed…

Why Emotionally Intelligent People Are More Likely to Reach Success

Emotionally intelligent people have a higher potential to be successful than those who aren't. Before we talk about emotionally intelligent people, let's focus on what emotional intelligence actually is. It’s hard to put your finger on what exactly constitutes emotional intelligence. Even though we may not understand the ins and…