What secrets does the human brain hide? Latest discoveries in neuroscience & cognitive science and unbelievable facts about the human brain

7 Ways Social Isolation Affects Your Intelligence & Mental Health

We live in a world where we now can be more connected to one another than ever before. Despite this though, many people still suffer because of social isolation. Furthermore, there are some people who choose to isolate themselves. Social isolation and loneliness are obviously intricately connected. This can lead…

How to Trigger Brain Stimulation with These 8 Everyday Activities

It is important to keep our brains healthy, so try the following everyday activities to trigger brain stimulation, improve cognitive abilities and reduce cognitive decline. We rely on our brains for everything, yet we often don't think about taking care of them. Luckily, it is quite easy to look after…

The Flynn Effect and Its Reversal in the 21st Century or Why the Humanity Is Getting Dumber

The Flynn Effect describes how IQs rose for the first part of the 20th century. With all advances in technology, our knowledge about diet and health, and the easy access we have to education, you'd think IQs would continue to rise. And they were. Up until the 21st century, at…

Is Chakra Healing Real? The Science behind the Chakra System

Science may not have been able to prove the existence of chakras and chakra healing, but we do know that there are energy systems that keep our bodies functioning. These energy systems affect everything that goes on in our mind and body and understanding them and how chakra healing works…

5 Ways Handwriting Practice Boosts Your Cognitive Performance, According to Science

There are some good reasons why handwriting practice is good for our cognitive performance, no matter how old we are. As we are living in an information page, where thousands of new articles and blogs are published every day, here is a simple rule of thumb to follow. Don’t believe…

How Unhealthy Food Ruins Your Brain’s Cognitive Functions, Backed by Science

“You are what you eat.” It’s a well-known fact, but considering unhealthy food is/can be a drug and much of what we consume on a daily basis is highly addictive, it’s a tough saying to live by. Many westerners struggle with sugar addiction, caffeine addiction, and addiction to the chemicals…