What secrets does the human brain hide? Latest discoveries in neuroscience & cognitive science and unbelievable facts about the human brain
American scientists have found that the brains of some elderly people remain in the condition of 30 years old, which makes them 'super agers'. Scientists have found that the human brain at 80-years old is able to work the same well as at 30. The answer to the question of…
If you're used to forgetting your dreams, there are techniques that can improve this. Our mysterious world teaches us how to remember dreams. In case you never knew, the area that's responsible for creating long-term memories, the prefrontal cortex, lies dormant when we are sleeping. This is why dreams are so hard to…
Being left-handed means being forced to live in a world shaped for those who follow the traditional saying “things go right”. Therefore, every day, left-handers do everything in reverse! So let’s try to answer the question: why are some people born left-handed and how do they differ from the others?…
Real intelligence cannot be measured by a single indicator, states a new study. It seems that the well-known intelligence quotient IQ does not represent what we thought it did. The largest research ever done to date concluded that human intelligence is too complex to be measured by only one parameter.…
We all have some views based on personal experience, education, mass media, and opinion of those around us. We accept many of the ideas associated with science as a fact, although they have long been disproved. Here are some of the most common science myths that most people believe to…
Capgras syndrome: It's like the movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It seems that some people think their relatives or loved ones have been replaced by imposters! A 21-year-old student in the U.S. had a wonderful relationship with her mother. She is the last of six children and perhaps the most…
How many times have you heard from your mother and grandmother, "Do not go out without a hat, you will catch a cold", or "Do not read in the dark, you will get your eyesight impaired". Although these pieces of advice are well-intentioned, in fact, science has proven that they…
What do the universe and the brain have in common? U.S. researchers came to the conclusion that the universe is very likely to develop in a manner comparable to that of the brain. The simulations they used in the course of the research also show that the development of the…