What do the dreams of the deceased mean? Are they actually messages from the spirit world or just a product of our subconsciousness?

Two years ago, something terrible happened in our family – my grandfather had a stroke. He fell into a coma and eventually died two days later. This profoundly shocked all of us not only because grandpa was deeply loved and respected by everybody who had the luck to know him but also because we couldn’t imagine that he would go so early and so suddenly.

Shortly after this tragic event, I started to have weird dreams. I was seeing myself visiting my grandpa at his home and feeling quite confused – I was simultaneously glad that he was there again and puzzled trying to understand how it was possible.

In my dreams, he never said a word and replied to my questions about him being there with an enigmatic smile.

My view of what happens after death

These dreams were so regular that I began to wonder whether this might be my grandpa’s soul trying to communicate. If I was a religious person, I would certainly believe that it was so. But I don’t really agree with the views on soul and afterlife as promoted by most of the world religions.

I tend to think that human consciousness – everything that makes us who we are, including our thoughts, memories, and beliefs – is a kind of energy that leaves the body at the moment of death and gets dispersed in the surrounding environment. This basically means that a person’s energy can exist literally everywhere for some time after death and eventually finds itself becoming part of another, newborn creature.

You may think that this sounds quite similar to the known theory of reincarnation; however, the difference is that, in my opinion, it’s not the same soul that makes its journey through ages, traveling from one body to another, but rather a composition of different people’s energies that carries the experiences of multiple lives and individuals.

Moreover, I believe that it’s not only human energy that makes up each person’s consciousness but that all living beings on our planet participate in this eternal cycle of energy exchange. That’s why after death, a person’s soul returns to its starting point and becomes part of the environment again in order to reborn in a new body, saturated by the energies of the Mother Earth and other living creatures.

But let’s go back to the dreams of the deceased.

I wondered whether my grandfather was trying to send me a message or at least to say that he was fine and happy wherever he was.

I supposed that shortly after death, a soul might be in an intermediate state, unable to have the same strong bond with its body and the material world as before but capable of interacting with the living ones. Those who happen to have lost someone will agree that it’s much more comforting to think that your dear one continues to exist somewhere else, far from here, than to think that they have gone forever.

Analysis of the dreams of the deceased

However, after some time, when I began to get used to the fact of my grandpa’s death, I got a chance to look at those dreams in a more rational way. I realized that there was the same pattern in all of them – my grandpa being silent and me having confused feelings.

Yes, unfortunately, it was purely the work of the subconscious mind and had nothing to do with the afterlife. During the last years of my grandfather’s life, I didn’t visit him often and thus found it even more difficult to accept his death than those who were next to him till his last minute.

I refused to believe that the next time I would visit my grandparents’ home, my grandpa wouldn’t be there, and my subconscious mind was trying to show me this confrontation between my expectations (grandfather being there) and the reality (my confusion).

So, if you have recurring dreams of the deceased too, first of all, analyze the content of your dreams and try to find similar patterns in events, surroundings, and your feelings. I know that the idea that your deceased friend or family member is trying to communicate with you may be exciting, but in most cases, it’s the work of your subconscious and not a message from the other side.

It is always hard to accept a less attractive truth, especially in the beginning when the pain of loss is still intense, but it’s necessary to let go of the past and find the courage to go on.

If you have had a similar experience, please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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This Post Has 170 Comments

  1. Christie Robinson

    I have had a dream about my son who passed 10years ago due to an accidental overdose,in my dreams he is in the hospital about to have surgery on his heart ,can anyone tell me what this means

    1. Lisa Perry

      Maybe he is having trouble knowing how difficult it has been for you to cope with his loss. Maybe he is waiting for you to find your peace before he will accept his own peace. And that he is sorry and it hurts to see you in such pain. And it’s his way to thank you for being his mom and that it wasn’t you’re fault because you were the best mom he could have ever hoped for. That’s what I think your dream means. He wishes you peace and comfort in his memories and every thought of him brings a smile to your face.

  2. Lex

    I had a good friend die this past week. He committed suicide and since I found out I hve been dreaming that I am in the woods with him standing in the distant watching without him realizing him doing this awful thing. I have never been in the woods where he did it nor did I find him but every night now he is in my dreams and I have to watch that horrific thing happen over and over again

  3. Al

    I had a dream about a dead friend who gave me life changing advice and I became wealthy,I attribute my success to the clue to my destiny I received from my beloved fiends career path advice…..thanks chuck.rip…..in the dream he told me I was wasting my talent working for someone else.months later I got my own shop and now employ over 30 employees and my shop makes about $10,000 a week.if not for this advice I would be back being poor.making money for someone else.if I could have my friend back I ould gladly be poor again.

  4. Sheila

    Within a year after my son passed away at 27 in a motorcycle accident (2011) I had a dream, he came to me wearing a silly winter hat, smiling and telling me where he has traveled and that he even snow skied on the alps. He was speaking different languages but I understood him. He was so happy. Since then he has come to me in 2 dreams briefly just to wave at me through a window. One, I recall, he was on a road grater type tractor. My son loved life and if there was an opportunity to go somewhere & try something new he was there. He was also always willing to help someone, even if he didn’t know you. I think it is his way of telling me he is truly happy and getting to do things that he loves.

  5. Jessie Blucher

    I dreamt last night that my brothers and mom somehow brought my father back to life after 21 years of passing just to surprise me. When my father and I make eye contact I can see him holding back his tears. I’m a mess, the moment i see my dad standing there right before me, but when my 4 kids come out of the house, and the moment he sees them he breaks down crying. He and I have a long hug crying and he is really sobbing hugging each one of my kids. He spoke to me but his voice wasn’t really his, didn’t sound like how I remember… He tells me he loves me and his grandkids are so big and beautiful. While im crying I’m crying in real life. I know its a dream and i try to see what happenes next, but right away my dream shifts into another dream completely unrelated. This is the 3rd dream I had since he passed away.

  6. breefuls (Aubrey)

    When I was 22yrs old (now going to be 30yrs old in a month), my ex passed away. We had been together from the age of 13yrs always til I was 3months away from turning 21. I moved in with him and his dad when I was 16, they saved me from a life of everyday abuse. When we broke up, we stayed best friends even though I moved out, and spent tons of time together. Before his death, I had visited his house, but didn’t get to see him, as he wasn’t feeling well. I talked to his best friend (also one of my closest friends from childhood), and left calling upstairs to him that I would see him in a few days, he called back to me a goodbye. That was the last time I saw him. He was in a coma 2 days later, 3 days after that we were told he was brain dead. I spent everyday going to the hospital to play his favorite music, and his dad and I made the decision together to pull the plug on 3-3-11, as he would have liked the numbers (3 has always been my favorite, he liked 12 and repeating numbers). I made a playlist with his iPod 8hrs long of all his music, as people came in to say goodbye. After 5hrs of music and goodbyes, his dad and I followed him to the operation prep, and were the last ones to say good by. We threw his ashes out his sunroof to his favorite song, on one of our favorite roads, going 120mph, on 3-12-11. He would have loved the freedom, the speed, the music, and everyone who was in the vehicle loved him. Since then, I spent the first 4yrs having dreams where he was near me, but I could never get to him. Like in the house or to a place I was always trying to get to. Then I found him in year 5. At first, he didn’t talk, just smiled or looked confused as I sobbed into him, going on about missing him, never wanting to leave his side again. Then about a year and a half ago, he began to talk. “Oh bree bree,” his nickname for me. He would comfort me, and began to nod or shake his head to questions. Now he says a little more when I find him. We’ll talk about good times, I’ll verbally throw up everything that’s he’s missed in music/comedy/shows/things he would love if he were here today. I still love dreams where u see him, the comfort is immeasurable. Both of us being atheists, life after death isn’t something we cared to believe we could sum up. There are traits that I have that remind me of him, from us growing up together, and I would like to think that though his energy has technically moved on, a part of him will always be here. It’s silly, and I don’t care nor know if it’s true. But that’s life, and those dreams, I hope I find him every once in a while forever. He’s always the same age, he had told me when we were only 19, something told him he wouldn’t make it past 22. He’ll be that age forever in my dreams and mind. I hope we meet again, even if I find him in someone else someday or in the next life.

  7. Maria

    I had a dream about my mom she has been gone for14 years ago the dream was that my sister and I and other people were there in the dream my sister was beating my mom with a belt buckle and I threatened my sister if she hit her again if you know what that means let me know

  8. Eliza

    I have a friend who’s grandpa passed away on Saturday March 10th. The week after my friend carver’s grandpa passed away they had his grandpa’s funeral.

  9. Lisa Perry

    My mother passed a year and a half ago. I dream of her all the time. I feel confused about it but then I think we’ll who cares your here let me show you something. She just smiles with this far away goofy look in here eyes and smile to match. I don’t understand that expression. I’ve had dreams of other passed loved ones and they don’t look like that. The only thing that is the same is non e of them actually speak and I always feel perplexed as to what they are doing there.

  10. JF

    Hi, I wanted to talk to somebody about this because when a grandpa of mine died when I was nearly 3, I had a dream that I was with him. He had died in an airplane crash. My dream was that I was with him trying to find his airplane keys after the crash. Come to find out, later, somebody had stolen the keys from his crash site. (in real life) And, sometimes when I’m told this, I have a weird feeling in my chest and I found something that told me where you feel you emotions. It told me I would feel genetic or ancient memories in that same place I get the weird feeling. Please help me find answers to how this happens and why. Thanks! 🙂

  11. Farid Azam

    I think that the dreams of the deceased relatives or friends are not always the work of the subconscious mind. In July 1992, when my mother died, she physically appeared to with my cousin sister and even touched her shoulder. In April 2011, my deceased uncle continuously kept communicating through lucid dreams for many days till I told him to stop. Some deceased relatives appear in dreams on specific occasions to remind us. It seems that universe is a computer.

  12. Gemma

    Very interesting read, my Grandad recently died (19th of May) and I didn’t get a chance to see him much before the end due to University and ever since, I have been dreaming about him. The dreams are not always the same and are quite often different but always end up with me waking myself up absolutely sodden with tears and still sobbing, with a huge ache/pain in my heart.

    Originally after the first few dreams I thought this was just part of the grieving process but it keeps happening and always results in the same way! I will keep an eye on it and analyse the content of these dreams more closely!

    Thanks for your post! 🙂

  13. Charles R Henderson

    Well I had bad break up from x wife, but she want divorce me.. Last night I had dream of with 3 dead people in it, one being my cousin a male, my wife was in te dream but it didn’t look like her she was acting wierd. Then she was friends with second dead person who’s a female, over house now mind you my cousin and this female when they was alive was drug addicts.. Anyway I keep trying to get wife to tell why she’s around them and my cousin speaks up says tell him, my wife goes into another room but another female appears who is dead grabs my hand and tyies to explain to me how a piece of drugs slip down my wife throat and yelled my wifes name like are you saying she on drugs and I woke up

  14. Christy Carter

    I dreamed of my ex spouses grandfather. she was sitting in a chair at the home we used to live and visit him and his grandmother. He had decayed teeth ( but in real life he had dentures). I never saw him again after the divorce of my ex. I was very close to him and the grandmother. The grandfather kept warning me to wait 13 days before I decide to open my business and then everything should be ok. I want yo open a preschool but dint know why he told me this. Do you have answers?

  15. Donna Brunsma

    I dreamt about my ex husband Greg and days later I learned he died on August 19th. We had not seen each other or had any contact in over ten years. I loved Greg so very much, but he had inner demons and battled alcoholism and anger issues which caused me to divorce him. Was he trying to get a message to me?

  16. Wilma Goertemiller

    I constantly feel my Grandparents on my Dad’s side visiting me and watching over me, they died about 35 to 40 years. And each time they come visit me they let me know that they still love me and are protecting me and are waiting for me but to take my time about it

  17. Smarie

    My grandmother passed away when I was a teenager. We were pretty close. Shortly after she passed, I had a dream of her. I do not recall too much of the dream as it was many years ago. What I do recall is quite vivid though. I remember the actual thoughts I was having in the dream. I remember being very upset seeing my grandmother and very sad she was dead. I recall telling myself this isn’t real and I’m dreaming but later in the dream I found out it was real(in my dreaming mind anyways?) and was shocked that it was real. I remember how she smiled at me and reassured me. I felt an extreme calm suddenly when she embraced me. Then, she looked into my eyes and said I’m going to tell you something very important. She said please remember this, whatever you do, don’t forget. Then she said the phrase “Seven Stones.” I really do not recall the entire conversation but that part I recall vividly. For some reason it was very important to her that I remember. There was a seriousness and almost desperation in her eyes and tone when she told me to remember. I recall this very vividly even many years later. However I have no clue what that phrase could mean or represent.

  18. Francis

    I do believe in a mix of unciousness feelings in dreams but believe defenitely in the deceased visiting us,either to say goodbye or just to be with us for a while.
    I think in the last case it doesn t happen to often but if it does , the dream itself has a different “aura” , normally, dreams are surrounded in a bit of a hazy , foggy light, and one forgets oten details the moment one wakes up, which is sometimes very irritable but that is just the way dreams are and yes, often a reflexion of our( psycological )events of our daily lives,(thats the way i see it, iam not saying it is like that..)
    but the dreams inwhich the deceased appear are made of such a strong light, stronger than the sun and still one can look into this light without wearing sunglasses, without blinking,
    and when one wakes up, the memory of these dreams stays ingraved in the brain, till every detail, for ever.At least that is my experience, for me it is a sign of the spirit world, and one has to see it as a good good thing, that the place where they are is really a very happy place,again i see that way , and will not claim i m right.What i do know there is the difference between the “normal dream” and the “exceptional one” and it only happened twice to me to have a dream about a deceased loved one in that quality.
    I believe the foggy ones, although it sounds funny, are the ones who reach back to our unconciousness,and yes one can always relate them back, maybe to guilt, one s fobia s,control on life etc.

  19. Val

    I had a dream of my dead Aunt. She was hugging me with joy, we were laughing like we use to. Then she kissed me on the lips, what does that mean?

  20. Nancy

    I have a loved one is needed who passed away with a brain aneurysm two years ago. I have dream of him twice both times were completely differences. One he an I were among several other people, I didn’t know anyone. In my dream he was call luster. In life he was called mark. In my dream we walked an I told him I loved him he said he knows an he loved me . . He told me he was always with me no matter what . He wants me to be happy . I told him I wanted him with me . We kissed . I woke up crying . A hard cry .

  21. celi

    Interesting article. I´ve had a similar dream with my dad who recently passed away- 3 weeks ago. I saw him in my dream, he was walking in opposite direction of mine- he didnt see me- when i saw him. i ran the other way to hug him and everything – he couldnt talk or didnt talk – he died of complications after open heart surgery because of a dilated aneurism- so in the dream he would only touch his heart constantly (i dont know if anxious or out of breath) This dream was yesterday and ive been thinking all day if he was trying to tell me something.
    my loss is huge and probably i will understand it is my subconscious and not my dad telling me something. However, I do feel his presence in various ocassions.

  22. Clarissa Negron Griffin

    Hello my name is Clarissa I keep having dreams of my sister who passed away from stage four cancer she was only 49 years old I was there taking care of her until she took her last breath as she was fighting to hold on I told her it’s ok and let go. Was I wrong to say that I didn’t want her to suffer no more we were very close. In my dreams she telling me she is ok and she takes my hand and puts it on her heart to feel and I feel could it beating and I could hear it too. Please help me understand

  23. Kai D

    I researched this, because I had a dream of my dead sister last night. My sister Courtney died unexpectedly[during her pregnancy with my nephew] in 2010 when her boyfriend decided to put a bullet through her chest. I lost her and my nephew, I was only 11 years old. All of my family throughout the years had talked about these amazing dreams with her telling them that she is okay. Last night I had a dream of her. We were in a pitch white area. There was nothing except for a trench in-between us. Courtney held out her hand to me, and told me, “Kai, it is your time to go.” In my dream I started to reach out for her, trying to grab her hand. Once I got close to her I fell into the deep trench and awoken. Im trying to figure out what this dream meant, and I talked to my other sister about it. She thinks that Courtney is meaning that something good is about to happen in my life, and this is her letting me go to let me live my best life. At first I thought it was Courtney telling me that it was my time to be with her, hence her reaching out her hand to me. But maybe my other sister is right. She was giving each other the freedom to let each other go so I can reach better places in my life. I don’t know, this helped me a lot, thanks for the post.

  24. Ron

    My brother passed away in a drowning death at the age of 23 and I was 19 years of age . I am now 66 years of age and have frequently dreamed that he was alive and back in my life only to loose him again because I get side tracked in the dream looking for something else. Out of no where, my brother returned to a dream the other day. We were both in the home we grew up in; he had some gadget that had written instructions he was reading. I wanted to amaze him by showing him how my Amazon echo worked ( an item my wife does not like and believes that it doesn’t match her decour). I left my brother to find the echo, and complained to others in the dream that I couldn’t locate the echo as my wife was always moving it. When I located the echo I returned to find my broker missing. I searched everywhere and kept running into other people I have known through life and whom I have not seen in years. I woke up knowing that my brother could not be found, what do you make of this dream? I’ve had similar dreams with the same theme ( appears and then I can’t locate him).

  25. Judy

    I was dreaming that I told my husband that I wanted to go visit my daddy in the hospital bc he didnt have much time left.

    When we got there, I realized it was impossible to see him. He passed away when I was 12 (1962). I dont have much memories of him. My died Feb 12th and his birthday is Feb 18th

    Last August, 5 months ago my son passed away. My son was married on Feb 18th, 2018 (they picked that date but no idea it was my dads birthdate. My sons baby is due Feb 28th 2019.

    Not sure if all these dates and dreaming of my dad mean anything but thought it was strange

  26. Wanda lucier

    My husband die 10 04 2018

    My husband woke me in the middle one night trying too talk to me .what do I do I haven’t been able too sleep good after that . What should I do can’t sleep or eat good sent that happing. What should I do

  27. C K


    I have a recurrent dream of my deceased mother, one time she pointing her finger at my living aunt and shouting her name, one time she taps on my shoulder as if she is comforting me for something, one time she is looking at my sister and her face looks yellow and pale. And sometimes, i see people in real life in the form of animals in my dreams. Sometimes i see myself watching scenes that i cannot explain, i am just watching in the dream.

    Thank you,

  28. Bianka Sifa

    My dear husband passed away nearly 4 month ago. I had so many different dreams with him since, but all with the same pattern. In the dreams I was aware of him being deceised and questioned why he is in my life. I miss him very much in all senses. We had a good relationship, he was my mate, my lover, my greatest support. And I lost it suddenly. Maybe you are right about the reflection of my feelings in my subconsciousness. I hope it helps to get in peace with myself and stop inner conflict, I am having continuously.
    In general, I dream a lot. Some dreams are very meaningful and are reflecting my emotional state in my life.

  29. Alyssa S LaHaye

    I had a dream last night that someone GOT my father on the phone and said “I have someone here who wants to talk to you” In my dream my father spoke to me through this man on a phone of some sort, I didn’t see my father the entire time i just heard his voice speaking to me while I was sleeping, nothing scary, just that he loved me and what I was doing was right, and that he was proud of me and never meant to leave me behind. Oddly, I’ve been wanting to hear from my father since his death two years ago, It was truly my father’s voice I heard while sleeping. Is this normal? We were the closest of any father or daughter I could ever name. So not sure if it’s odd, but I believe I really spoke to my father last night and got some kind of guidance, and protection from him that he’s still really here watching over me.

  30. Nicy

    I have dreamt several times my mum coming back as if she never died, and even her meeting people in my life ,she apologizes for living without saying anything, then promises to explain later ,and asks I tell her how I have been,but I wake up before her explanation. Its been 10 yrs since she died but this keeps recurring, I need to know the meaning. Please

  31. Patricia Killen

    I dream that my deceased brother isn’t really dead but has moved away to hide from the police. In my dream he secretly comes to visit me but he can’t let anyone know except me. He won’t tell me where he is living at and I feel so sad and worried about how is doing. when I wake up I am so sad because the dream feels so real.

  32. Xabiso

    Hi there. Recently(since beginning of 2019) I’ve been dreams of my late cousin sister whom we shared the same surname. She had young twins when she passed on and was about to get married. This morning another dream occurred of her returning from the dead, she was all fresh, radiant, glowing and happy and she was responding to the questions that i asked her. Somehow when i try to analyze these lucid dreams, i think and feel like she’s trying to show me a way and or shielding or guiding me from something. However the dream i had this morning got me really confused. What can this possibilly mean?

  33. Diana Sheldon

    I keep having dreams, well nightmares really about my Mum who died in 2002 so 17 years ago. I didn’t before but recently it’s so stark! I dream that she is still alive and somewhere I can not find her, the last one I was crying so much in my dream. I wake up and remember that she has passed and it breaks my heart all over again.

  34. L.G

    I have a dream about my mother who passed on 17yrs back, and she was lying on her bed and i was putting blanket on her. The next thing someone called my name through the window and i answer and open the door. In that dream I felt like something is being drilled in the middle of my head and something was also shoved in my mouth, i shout. I then saw my younger sister who also passed on in 2012 sitting right next to me. I cried for her to help me take out the sticky thing in my mouth. I woke up and my body was like freezing. I prayed and fell asleep after 3 hrs.I really don’t understand what is this dream all about but always when such dreams happen in my life its either warning of some sort or something will happen or they are protecting me from bad things.Talking from experience. Thank you

  35. Bethany St Andrew

    I don’t believe that every dream I have off a deceased person means it is a visitation, but I don know I have been visited. I wonder if anyone else has ever had this happen to them . It started when I was 17. My grandfather passed away suddenly and about 1 month after I remember dreaming about him. Then my aunt passed away when I was 20. Again the same thing ( although that dream I can remember).Essentially all of my close family has passed and I had dreams ( still do – just had one last night.) In fact, my oldest brother John had appeared in a couple in 2016 and he was angry about something, although I couldn’t figure out what or why. ( Because of family differences in 2006 when my parents passed away , I chose not to speak to him) . Then my first words when I made my yearly trek to our family gravesite “so that’s why I have been dreaming about him.” He had passed on January 11,2016. After that, I have only dreamt about him a couple of times but I have been in contact with my SIL and nephew. Has anyone ever had more than one person visit them?

  36. Barbara Lentz

    My son passed away a few weeks ago. I had a dream he called and told me he had 5 teeth pulled. I answered and I said 5. Then I woke up. When my son was alive he called about 5 times a week. I am heartbroken. I miss him terribly.

  37. Francisco Pardo

    I had a dream of one of my friends that past away and I always wanted to know how he has been ever since he passed away ..when I had the dream I was with his mom inside a grocery store at the checkout line and I was also with some friends that I’ve never seen before but one of them had a vibe and a connection that I felt like my friend that past away was inside that random persons body ..and when it clicked to me that that’s my friend they smiled at me like if everything was okay .. could it be a message from what I’ve been trying to ask him ????

  38. mary

    I just had a dream that my late husband who passed away 5 years ago told me that he wanted a divorce cause he was away for so long that he fond happiness with another and that I need to move on and be with the man I’m married to today and in my dream my late husband looked the same and my new husband was in it and looked the same and my late husband told me to go to him in my dream I cryed and didnt want a divorce so he agreed we wouldn’t get one just to make me happy but he will still be with what makes him happy so at the end of the dream I agreed to the divorce and we signed the papers and we were both happy and I walked into my new home with my now real husband (I think I k ow what the dream means from my late husband cause I asked for a sign the the other day so I know if he approves of this man or not and I been blaming myself for his death since he passed but I want to see if others know what the dream means incase I’m wrong)

  39. Deanna

    I had a dream of my husband flirting with other women. I yelled and screamed at him in my dream. Then I was dancing with my grandpa who is deceased. He was also dead in my dream but I was dancing with him and he was smiling and made me happy. No one else in my dream could see him so it looked like I was dancing alone.

  40. Leeanne

    I dream about my deceased mother every single night. We are always out having fun on vacation in Florida or buying a house for my entire family to live in. Those dreams aren’t reoccurring. The dream that I’m riding a bike on the interstate trying to get to my moms house because she still lives there and is alive is a constant recurring dream. It’s affected my sleep because falling asleep and having her alive in my dreams and waking to the painful reminder that she is no longer alive. My mother and I were like two wild sisters. We were so close and always had an amazing time together.

  41. Sarbjeet singh

    I saw that my dead mother is strangling me from behind in my dreams

  42. Bob Anton

    I dreamed last night that my grown son, who lives with me, came into my bedroom to tell me that my dear wife of 46 years was on the phone and wanted to talk to me. She has been gone for 11 months now; should I be getting over my sadness, and am I going nuts?

    I am 78 years old.

  43. Aliyah

    My uncle died at the age 15, his friend accidentally shot him at home. The friend thought our family hater him and apologized to my mom as soon as she returned to school. Last night I had a dream. I was with some friends, trying to get home from a ver far distance. Along the way we ran into the guy who shot my uncle. He seemed deep in grief about my uncle, I had a bull dog clock from my uncle (odd enough because I don’t have one, but he did love bull dogs) and his friend had saw it and become sad. I was a bit harsh towards him then me and my friends continued on our way. We ended up seeing the guy who shot my uncle, his group of friends, and my alive uncle on a bus. The thing of it is, I always wanted to meet my uncle (seeing as he died before I was born) and no one ever tells me much. But my grandpa said he’s just like my Uncle now (Who just got his gf prego, he’s only 15) and went as far as to say they walk, talk, and act alike so much that he believes my dead uncle is alive in my troubled uncle. And in my dream I saw my alive uncle drinking. My dad came in and woke me up at this point. Why would I have dreamed of the guy who shot my uncle and why?? It troubles me so much

  44. Juan

    Had a dream of my sister that has passed away since 2000 a few days ago. Then on 9/14/2019 Saturday, had a dream of a High School acquaintance, he passed in 1979 or 1980 while attending college. That is the second time within a week that I dreamed those who have passed.

  45. Jaime Rodriguez

    I dreamt my dead brother came to warn me ..he said that betrayals come in twos’ & one is cold & one is hot and usually by someone very close & dear to me or someone i deal with daily? He went on to point at two spots at my upper back and said here & here is where it’d happen & to be careful??? The weird thing is that in my dream my gf was asleep behind me kinda like spooning me & all of a sudden she disappeared & it’s my brother warning me about getting stabbed in the back by someone i love??? Please help me intrepet this dream so i dont start thinking my gf is betraying me??!!!

  46. Margie Elsabie

    My Fiancee and oldest daughter was very close she couldnt wait to meet him and her little sister and little brother hose was the last words she told him in a message 6 days b4 leaving this world unfortunately they only met thru messages and video chat. the other night I had a dream that him and his children had a 10 hour flight delay in my city. I picked them up at the airport and brought them home for the delay time . my youngest daughter stayed outside with the children. My dead mom and dead daughter was inside my home. when him and I came in I told them him and I was going to my room to talk. after 30 mins or so my mom told my daughter to co check on us. she was not dumb and knew we was doing more then talking so she pretended to open my door and tell my mom we was ok we was just talking. I was grown with three grown daughters not sure why my mom would think I needed to be checked up on, but I do know my daughter wasnt gonna tell her what she obviously knew what we was doing. I have read many conflicting things about it is a good sign to it is a bad sign so I am just as confused as ever. can someone help me.

  47. Bettie

    What does it mean when u dream about your partners partner which is now deceased they laying down together I was standing up

  48. Kim Tanzer

    My mother just passed 6 days ago, on Christmas morning. Last night I dreamed that she called me on the phone and was chatting away. When I said to her, “Mom, how are you doing this?” To which she replied , “What do you mean?” And I said, “You’re dead” And in her voice the response back to me was, “No she isn’t.” I found this dream VERY disturbing because the voice of my mother used the wrong pronoun. I don’t know what that means andI’m concerned that something from the other side might be messing with me. What are your thoughts on this dream? Thank you for any feedback.

    1. Time heals most

      I’m really sorry to hear about your mother. And around the holidays of all things. My condolences.
      It really sounds as if you’re talking to yourself on the phone here. As if you’re not fully ready to understand that your mother is gone. It’s only been six days, give it some time. Much love and peace be with you.
      Blessed be my friend.

  49. Esther

    Within the last 5 days i have dreamt of literally everybody that has passed in my family my sister, my niece, grandma, my aunt, my brother and dad whom both passed within this year

  50. ....

    Within the last week or so, I have dreamed of everyone I’ve lost. My dad, both grandmas, grandfather, uncle, and cousin. More than not, I seem to be arguing with one of my grandmothers. (She died after having numerous strokes).
    My other grandmother, uncle, and grandfather, (I always feel like they’re back from the dead. I ask myself in my dream, how are you alive again.) -grandmother, stroke and coma.
    Uncle, cancer and my grandfather died of old age.
    When I dream of my cousin who died of an over dose.. Its always extremely weird. Like I refuse to even talk about it, kinda weird.
    And my dad who shot himself… He never says anything. We never talk.. I just pass by him as if he’s background ppl.
    🥺 I’m not really asking for anyone to help me understand. Maybe I just need to get this out on paper and out of my head. So here it is.

    1. LadyLee

      likewise, my mom passed dec 8th at 6:32 pm .. funeral december 16th. two nights ago (today being one month after she passed) i had a dream that she came into and was pointing to me with her index finger as if to wagg it at me.. while saying :Take care of those children’. it was disturbing because I do what all I can when I can with respect to my two kids ages 14 and 16. I am not financially stable as it is and I guess maybe I must be feeling guilty that I cannot do enough for my kids as other’s seem to be able to do. Her expression was not the happy go lucky woman that I know and knew pretty much regularly. So I was rather taken back feeling like I’m not doing enough. This bothered me.. in the dream however, I was continually loving and elated to see her .. but sorrowful because of her concern/facial expression and message.

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