While Albert Einstein was known as that “crazy” scientist with the relativity theory, Gautham Buddha was that weird person “ohhming” under a tree for more world peace.
Einstein and Buddha always had something in common besides the fact most of the people did not understand them: The wisdom of manifesting with unconditional love.
Unconditional love and Einstein? Isn’t that something that is much more for the romantic authors and spiritual gurus out there? Well, it is time to take a different perspective.
This planet and all humanity are at the doorstep into a next level of evolution.
More and more people are waking up to a new reality. While this is still new and confusing to many, science and spirituality are merging, paving the way to a new quality of being.
Until recently, science, and especially quantum physics, was only for those geeks like Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory and spirituality for those nutcases that talked to angels and heard voices from the death. “Normal” people were simply not able to understand the language those two fields used as it was either too scientific or too turned in.
This is changing now: There are people bringing this wisdom into a more down-to-earth approach and for the first time, it becomes obvious that both Einstein and Buddha were always teaching the same thing: The wisdom of universal energies and how they work.
Einstein and Buddha: everything is energy
Einstein and Buddha both dealt their whole life with understanding and working with these energies. While Einstein came from the mind and rational side, Buddha felt into it and worked with the energy through his heart and the energetic body and chakras.
Comparing quotes of the two makes it even more obvious. Einstein said:
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
While Buddha expressed the same wisdom this way:
“Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think”.
“With our thoughts, we make the world.”
“The mind is everything. What you think you become”.
It becomes obvious that both of them refer to the universal energies, the law of attraction and the power of thoughts to create our life and our reality. What we are slowly beginning to understand is that we have much more power of creation and control over how things unfold for us than we ever thought. It all depends on our thoughts and what we focus on.
Heart and mind join forces to make the law of attraction work
To do so, the fusion that Buddha and Einstein represent is needed. We need a powerful cooperation between our heart and our mind. Many people get frustrated because the law of attraction seems to not work for them, despite making all these fancy vision boards and thinking positive thoughts as films and books like “The Secret” suggest.
They are leaving out one big piece of vital information though: One has to do the inner work first in order to create a successful joint venture of heart and mind.
It all has to do with energies and their frequencies. One basic energetic rule is: alike energies attract each other. As everything is energy in our Universe, the only difference between things, emotions, thoughts etc. is the frequency they are operating on.
Let’s take the example of different emotions: Fear has the lowest frequency, love the highest. In the area of fear also fall frequencies of anger, guilt, shame, resentment, grief, etc. The ego lives in that space and pulls its energy from here, keeping people in constant survival mode.
If someone still carries these low ego/fear frequencies inside, he or she will attract people and situations with the same energies, ending up in the same patterns again and again. The good news is, although most of the psychiatrists will deny that: It IS possible to dissolve these energies and reprogram the software and with it – change your behavioural patterns and get the ego to surrender. There are wonderful tools to do so such as inner child work and forgiveness work.
Once the lower frequencies are transformed into higher vibrations, the law of attraction can come to full fruition. All of a sudden, things get into the flow and like a magnet, the right people, places, situations are gravitating towards the individual.
This is when people speak about miracles happening because these synchronicities seem to be so unbelievable. As long as people stay focused on the “WHAT” they would like to attract and are allowing space for the “HOW” it will happen – the Universe can do its magic and surprise with solutions no one could have ever thought of.
The balance of masculine and feminine energies
The whole law of attraction is based on the ultimate balance between masculine and feminine energies. The mind is representing the male qualities and the DOing in this equation, the heart the female qualities and BEing. This makes it obvious that without the mind, the heart and soul would never get anything done and would remain uncompleted with an idea never put into action.
When the ego finally sits in the backseat and has surrendered, the heart takes over the lead. This is also called “following the intuition.” Heart and mind then can and will form a strong bond. The heart creates the intentions and the mind puts them into creative thought forms. They are jointly sending out a high frequency of unconditional love.
Unconditional love is necessary for this process of creation because only then the energies are free from any fears or dependencies – no conditions allowed, so to say. That is why egoistic wishes that do not serve the higher good and the true authentic self will never manifest with ease.
So forget about vision boards for a new yacht, unless this yacht is needed to serve a greater purpose than only satisfying an ego-driven status need.
This is Spiritual Science – Einstein and Buddha both understood this concept of working with unconditional love. It is time to let them work together for the well-being of the individual and the whole of humanity.
Hello, I have to let you know that the, “Everything is energy…” quote is not by Einstein. I have loved this quote for years, published it in my book, and just last year discovered it is not Einstein.
Jennifer Snyder
Although most people still see Buddha and Einstein as visionaries, they were part of the old paradigm. Neither one understood what it is to see and operate beyond the old paradigm. Some people already know and have taken the leap to create the new paradigm. They are working intimately with it. They are both outdated and cannot be compared to what is going on now. It’s like comparing an apple to an orange.