Many of us have dealt with numbness and abuse. We have adapted to these negative issues. Now, we should strive for emotional agility, which is powerful.

It is one of the most influential and successful attributes a person may have. This ability goes beyond the traumatic effects of abuse or neglect which keep us struggling through life. In fact, having this trait can be beneficial to others around us as well. So, exactly, what is emotional agility?

The definition of emotional agility and why it is a superpower

Emotional agility is a characteristic that enables us to navigate through life’s drastic ups and downs by understanding who we are and being easily adapted to change. It also includes having an open mind as well. When you have a power of this magnitude, it makes positive aspects grow bigger and negative ones shrink away.

Maybe it doesn’t immediately wipe away all concerns, nope. But it does give you the gift of having an edge over those who cannot tolerate negative outcomes. Since we’re always here to help one another, I think we can learn from the agility of emotions. The good part is, you don’t have to be born with this special quality. You can learn this power too!

How to develop emotional agility?

The power of harnessing your emotions is real power. Maybe it’s not a supernatural power, but it’s most definitely a super kind of ability. So, there’s no need to feel hopeless about how you handle situations because you can change those negative habits and ways of doing things. It just takes knowing a few interesting insights… then acting on these things.

1. Be powerfully present

The first rule of learning emotional agility is accepting your present circumstances for what they are. I don’t mean acceptance as giving up. I mean, just know in truth what’s going on. Don’t try to deny your situation by constantly cramming positive affirmations down your own throat and ignoring the negative aspects.

No, you must face it, front and center. The key is, don’t face these things as a frightened child attempting to hide away. Face them with strength, but with the curiosity a child sometimes brings. This opens up the first gates of opportunity.

2. Recognize bad thought patterns

Before you can change or fix anything, you have to recognize your part in whatever problems you have. Yes, you usually play a part in your unfortunate situation, whether large or small. Now, there may be a few times where you were totally innocent, but I guarantee that your thoughts helped pull you down further.

Can you see it? Take some time and look within, especially during the crisis, and there you will see that pattern emerge. It’s a thought and an emotion that you keep pulling to the forefront every time something happens. When you recognize this you are another step toward powerful thinking.

3. Now, separate from your feelings

When you find the pattern of chaotic behavior in your emotions, you must separate from that negative feeling. Your emotions must be observed from outside yourself, and completely separate from who you are as a person. You are not what you’ve done or what has happened to you. You are becoming an emotional acrobat, able to feel things, deal with things, and then step back and take a look from a distance.

4, Remember your core values

When you look at things from outside, you will feel what remains inside. Your morals, values, standards, and core beliefs are what remain, and they are what matter the most. Your emotional agility allows you to stay focused on the big picture. This scene brings wisdom and enlightenment. That’s what most of us are always striving to attain. It’s about retaining who and what we are, apart from anyone or anything.

5, Make changes/move on

The objective is to always be excited in some way about your life. When you hit a snag, feel the emotions, recognize negative patterns, step away from these patterns, and remember who you really are, you can then make necessary adjustments and keep going. Whew! What a mouthful. But seriously, you cannot do all the other steps without taking action to make improvements that align with your values. This can be done.

Keep those emotions flexible

I know it’s scary to think about the truth of emotional agility, about how change is inevitable. But we must embrace this change in order to see and experience the best in ourselves. We were never meant to be complacent creatures just living life day by day, doing the same things over and over. And we were definitely not put here to make the same mistakes and never learn from them.

Your emotions, while valid, should also be agile and strong. Every one of us has the ability to be powerful human beings, living our best life, and helping others do the same. No, things aren’t always meant to work out or dodge a negative outcome, but we are meant to bounce back and be stronger for it, wouldn’t you agree? I know I think so.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Feel free to share!



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This Post Has 6 Comments


    Nice Post . Thanks for share .

    1. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

      Thank you for reading, Rakesh. I hope your day is going well for you.

  2. ottobhan

    Sherrie, zI have been following your evolution as well as this site for some years now. For what it may be worth to you, I revel in your elasticity and proclivities to inform and incite fundamental awareness in hearts and minds of readers of all stripes. Keep the good work and empathy flowing, please: Far beyond your actual human fingertips touch, you are a gift and inspiration to our lives. Peace be on you, Otto knows.

    1. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

      Thank you, Otto.

      I try so hard to be authentic with each and every one of you who comes here. Even if others notice an evolution in me, I still feel as though I am trapped in struggles many days of my life. I am determined, however, and one of those determinations is that I am able to help someone. I am not a social person, and I get angry at people that I meet in real life, simply because my anxiety makes me afraid of them. Online, it is different. I feel as though I can be here and share things, talk about important issues and emotional turmoil. As a human, I sometimes wonder about the point of my existence, and then someone says “Thank you for helping”, and I understand more and more about why I am here on earth. Thank you again, Otto. Today has been a tough one, and hearing positive words helps.

      Be blessed.

  3. Belle Gayer

    Excellent advice.

    I had never heard about “emotional agility.” i am a perfect example of it! Thanks for the definition.

    1. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

      Thank you for reading, Belle

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