In the workplace, extroverts are more sociable, but introverts also exhibit useful qualities. Sometimes introverts really make good employees.

Most workplaces are dominated by outgoing individuals who exhibit the ability to play leadership roles. Introverts have suffered misrepresentation by employers on many occasions.

Employers often focus on the introvert’s most visible laid-back attributes that are often mistaken for lack of drive. Introverts are, therefore, wrongly regarded as individuals who cannot represent the best of the company. The truth is, introverts are good employees.

Reasons why introverts make good employees

Organizational psychology, however, has proven introverts to be as valuable and productive as extroverted employees. Yes, introverts are indeed good employees. In fact, they have certain qualities which make them better employees and outshine the most favored extroverts.

Below are some traits of introverts that should prompt employers to think twice before making assumptions. Whenever an introvert makes contributions to the company’s success, it should be noted and appreciated.

1. Their Independent Working Style Makes Them More Creative

Introverts thrive where and when they are working independently. They prefer to learn new skills without an over-abundance of guidance. They are always able to tackle jobs on their own, only asking for help when absolutely necessary. Also, they never wait on other team members to take the lead.

Introverts are good employees because they are quick to get started with new projects, tapping into creativity with little supervision. They spend more time reflecting and processing information, and they think outside the box.

They also approach problems from various angles to come up with novel solutions. Many of these ideas often escape the extrovert’s limited attention. People with this personality type offer new insights into problem-solving. Introverts are also good at developing new products and devising superb marketing strategies.

2. They Think Before They Speak

Extroverts will cut in while you speak because they find it difficult to resist the urge to be heard. Introverts, on the other hand, will wait until it is necessary for them to utter a word.

They take a long time to pay attention and reflect on the subject before airing their opinion. They often don’t hold back because they need to take time thinking everything through before drawing conclusions.

 3. They Don’t Play Office Politics

Office politics never move introverts. You will find extroverts carried away with playing mind games while introverts are focused on the topic at hand. Rather than soiling their hands with dishonesty and politics, they count on work ethics and their innovative nature to get ahead.

You will find introverts to be the most efficient and transparent employees in various workplaces. They will not derail tasks while involved in interpersonal dramas or meaningless discussions.

4. They Are More Innovative

According to Randy Barker, a professor at Harvard University, introverts have larger and thicker gray matter, which explains their imaginative and inventive nature. Thus, they are great abstract thinkers and decision makers. They spend loads of time in introspection in order to produce more creative ideas. These can be catered to the problem at hand.

The introvert’s innovative abilities form a significant mark of success on any company that emphasizes these personalities. More so, such people are less likely to seek help and tend to rely on their own abilities.

With such a personality, we can envision a future where creative thinking, backed with innovative solutions, will form the basis of employee credibility in many workplaces.

This is to the relief of the fortunate introverts who tend to outperform the extrovert personalities in areas of creativity and innovation.

5. They Tend to Be More Productive

Introverts keep a distance from an empty talk and invaluable chitchats. This enables them to sink deeper into their productivity, unlike extroverts who find themselves blabbing on and on about everything.

Having developed good listening and organization skills, introverts will complete tasks promptly and efficiently. They have the attention that hardly fails.

6. They Are Excellent Leaders

Introverts have a unique leadership calling as opposed to conventional wisdom. One of the many reasons why introverts are awesome is because they have their own way of bringing the best out of the people placed under their care. They can unearth great levels of initiative in employees who appear proactive.

Laurie Helgoe, a clinical psychologist and professor at West Virginia University, in one of her interviews said that introverts are better at leading proactive employees compared to the extroverts, according to research.

In her book, Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength, Laurie demonstrates how people with this personality type can make use of their introverted traits to claim a presence in a setting where extroverted personalities are more emphasized.

7. They Build More Meaningful Connections

When introverts take on leading roles, they will only engage in that which brings value. They will be happy to make connections that are ultimately aimed at solving problems. They can work with proactive individuals to elevate them to their best levels of performance.

Unlike extroverts, they will not bask in the spotlight or insist that you praise their presence. They will work quietly in the background and let the attention-loving extroverts bask in the glory of their success. Introverts will only get into alliances that are meant to bring solutions and maximize productivity.

8. They Think in Long-Term

Introverts are good employees, and they are not easily deceived by immediate results, unlike their extrovert counterparts.

Laurie Helgoe states,

“Introverts are also content to work on projects that require a long stretch of solitude. For these reasons, introverts seem better able to resist distractions and carry out long-range plans.”

Introverts are grounded in long-term solutions. Their ability to resist alluring immediate rewards makes them an indispensable element of any company.

Yes! Introverts make good employees

Introverts have continually suffered a bad reputation in the workplace. They are often overlooked because they are considered too quiet, shy and withdrawn to excel in an office whose governing principle is teamwork and communication.

Such personalities have also been mistaken for having a lack of ambition. Dr. Colin DeYoung heavily refutes these claims in his research on introverts. These claims hurt both the introverts and the company which turns them down on the basis of these stereotypes.

Keep this in mind: the best companies for introverts are those that find creativity, independence, and productivity to be indispensable elements to any company process. Hiring an introvert personality is hiring valuable insight that will undoubtedly lead to additional productivity.

Introverts are good employees, so if you are one, then keep your chin up!

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Priya Patel

    Great post!! I do see in workplaces that extroverted employees are often given more opportunities to move forward in their career whereas a lot of assumptions are being made about introverted employees and less opportunities are being presented to these. Companies need to evaluate what introverts bring to them and give credit to these employees.

    1. Sherrie

      There are many situations, more than just employment, which show the unfair treatment in introverted individuals. If only they were given more credit, I believe they could help balance things. There are pros and cons of being both an extrovert and an introvert which tells me if we worked together a bit more, we might be able to bridge gaps. I also believe some jobs call for a more subtle approach, a quiet and solo approach.

      Thank you for reaching out, and thank you for reading.

  2. Alan

    I also believe some jobs call for a more subtle approach, a quiet and solo approach

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