There are many different learning styles, and every human takes in and processes information differently. But one thing we may not think about is the fact that the impact of the way we learn goes far beyond our grades in school or college. Our unique learning style shapes everything to do as we go about our daily lives.

From making decisions to remembering information, to taking breaks from work, the way we learn, in many ways, makes us who we are.

There are many ways to break down different learning styles. One major method is the study of the right brain versus the left brain.

The conclusive answer is still out on how much influence the two sides of the brain really do have on the way we behave, from what we do know. But there does seem to be a connection, and understanding more about these differences can help us uncover insight into how we navigate the world.

Right Brain vs. Left Brain

First of all, find out which hemisphere dominates you.

The right side of the brain controls more emotional artistic and expressive endeavors. People with right-brain dominance will often be very creative and musical and also very perceptive of emotions, color, images, and faces. They are also intuitive.

The left brain, on the other hand, is geared toward critical thinking, logic, numeric understanding, and language. Left-brain dominant people are more prone to think in a fact-based manner and solve problems in a mathematical or logical way.

You can see the differences between these two sides clearly, and there is a high chance that your left-brain or right-brain dominance will have an impact on the way you learn and go about daily life.

Right-brained people are much more likely to go through the day by following their gut or intuition. They may decide on a whim to take in an art gallery, go to a dance class, or learn a new musical instrument. A left-brain person, on the other hand, is much more of a planner and efficient multi-tasker.

Left-brained people determine whether an action is logical before pursuing it. They are most likely spending their time solving complicated problems and coming up with solutions that the rest of us would not have the gumption to follow through on.

Even little things can be affected by brain dominance. When exiting a taxi, a right-brain person may tip based on their mood, or even the perceived mood of the driver. A left-brain person may have a calculated method that they use to determine a tip amount each and every time, regardless of their gut or whether or not the driver had a bad day.

There are also many other learning styles that affect the way we function on a daily basis. Some of the most tried and tested analyses of learning styles have amounted to a determination of the presence of at least three main learning styles among humans: visual, auditory, and tactile learning.

Visual Learners

Visual learners, as you may suspect, learn best by seeing something visually in front of them. They will remember information best as a picture in their minds. They often forget things told to them in conversation but remember the exact face of the doorman at their colleague’s apartment.

They like things broken down into visual representations, like charts and graphs. They are also visually creative and drawn to color and fashion. If you’re a visual learner, try to learn people’s names by writing them down directly after meeting them.

Auditory Learners

Auditory learners take in information best by listening. They remember names well and notice the differences in accents or musical instruments on the spot. They learn quickly if something is read or explained to them or if they can read to themselves aloud.

Someone who experiences the world best from an auditory standpoint needs to understand that they should always opt for information that can be taken in through sound, rather than, say, silent reading. On the subway, your ears will automatically be peeled for a stop announcement and much less prepared for a visual sign.

Tactile Learners

Tactile learners are most efficient in learning by doing things. Instead of taking the time to understand information or processes first in their minds, they want to learn as they go, and rarely read instructions. They are often very physical and love sports. They do not like to sit still for lectures or presentations, and prefer instead to simply “do.”

If you are a tactile learner, make sure to remind yourself to step back once in a while and wait for instructions. Most things can be learned by doing, but some things are best done once you have all the information.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tutoring Match

    With the new digital media wave, auditory learners can benefit from the numerous books on tape. If a student is having a hard time sitting down and reading a book, try having them listen to the books on tape while reading the hard copy. Having an audio guide can help them focus on the printed words in front of them.

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