We have complete freedom to do and have anything we want. However, without realizing it, we unconsciously limit our lives. Our subconscious thought patterns and ingrained beliefs hold us back from taking a full part in our lives. How to escape life limitations?

We are concerned about what other people think about us. We do what is “right” or agree with what sounds “reasonable”. Perhaps the biggest limitation is that we give up our dreams because we think that we do not have enough time for those. Having freedom and limiting yourself is like having a ticket to Disneyland and not using it.

Point out your life limitations

So, let’s see if it is possible to get back on the path to personal freedom, thinking about something in your life that limits you physically.

The first thing that comes to mind is an obligation to wear a suit and tie due to the work dress code in many companies. For many people, nothing is more desirable than to come home from work and take it all off, especially in the summer period.

Then think about something that does not necessarily limit you physically but still holds you back in some way. It could be anything: too strict parents, career dissatisfaction, or conflicts at work. Explore your life limitations.

Now let’s take a look inside yourself and find thoughts that might sabotage your own happiness. Read the following questions and pay attention to your physical reactions. Which of these questions give you a sense of confinement, and which give you a sense of freedom?

  • What stops you from achieving what you really want?
  • Knowing that you can create whatever you want, what would you create?
  • How long does it really take to make your dreams a reality?
  • If you had an infinite amount of time and money, what would you do?
  • Are you ready to free yourself from those factors that limit your freedom?

Expand your sense of personal freedom, starting with small steps, just like a child. Start doing something that you “should not” do – eat all candies at once, leave dishes unwashed, or go away from home without telling anyone where you’re going. Enjoy it and you will certainly feel better.

Make a list

When you are ready, make a list of things that you used as an excuse not to live a full and truly free life. Next to each item, write down an activity or behavior that will make you gradually approach a sense of complete freedom.

Activities may be like this:

  • Tell the person you care about what you always wanted to tell.
  • End a relationship with someone who causes you emotional distress.
  • Take a risky decision in business or investment.
  • Do something that you always wanted to do.

Check your list and start with those items that seem most difficult to perform.

Take a strong stand in achieving freedom and get rid of your life limitations. Soon, you will see that your life will be like a free flow, saturated more than ever.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. G

    This doesn’t tell you how to get rid of limits in the mind lol

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