If you think the mediator personality is rare, then think again. The INFP-T personality may even be more unique than that.

Today, we are learning about the INFP-T personality type of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. But before we can do that, we have to understand this mediator’s basic definition. Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perception – these words make up the INFP personality, just in case you’ve often wondered what the letters meant.

INFP-T, the flipside of INFP-A

The mediator personality type, as it’s sometimes called is one of the rarest types in the world. But there’s another layer to this character: there are two types of INFP personalities. The INFP-A and INFP-T, which are two sides of the same coin.

The INFP-A is considered the “assertive” type, while the INFP-T is more of a “turbulent” personality. While the more assertive personality has its good points, it can also have bad ones. The INFP-T seems to come from its natural introverted traits which fit more along with the turbulent characteristic.

There are a few ways to know if you’re an INFP-T. Let’s examine these.

Are you an INFP-T personality?

So, you have already discovered that you are a mediator, well, what kind of mediator are you? Are you an INFP-A or an INFP-T?

1. You are a bit pessimistic

As a turbulent personality, you have a high percentage of not being satisfied with the life you live. Or course, you use this dissatisfaction to work on making your life better in a distinct manner.

Unfortunately, some of these demands you put on yourself can be overwhelming, during your quest for perfection. And so, sometimes, you have a negative outlook on your life in general and your own high expectations.

2. Easily feel emotions

The INFP-T personality is strong in feeling their emotions. When they are happy, they are really happy, when sad, they get pretty down. Speaking of sad, they cry easily, and while this may seem like a weakness, it is not.

Crying often shows just how in touch a person is to their genuine feelings. It releases stressful emotions and cleanses a turbulent mind for a little while. Feeling emotions easily may seem like a weakness, but it’s actually a hidden strength. Oh, and never let anyone tell you that you are too sensitive.

3. Asking for forgiveness is easy

A turbulent personality is well-acquainted with regret. In fact, they have no problem apologizing and have little arrogant feelings toward being humble in situations where wrong is done.

Not that they are drowning in regret, oh no, they just feel the emotion as easily as they feel other emotions, and they attend to what must be done to fix part of their guilty contributions. Yes, sometimes, they may apologize when things aren’t their fault, but they rather keep the peace than keep problems going.

4. They seek opinions

While the assertive personality may make many decisions completely on their own, you, the INFP-T personality rather seek opinions beforehand. You appreciate the input from friends and family when making decisions, especially serious ones- these are the things that can impact your whole way of life.

This doesn’t mean you don’t ultimately make the final decision because you usually do, you just love to know what others think as well. It’s part of your humble character, and desire to be wise in your decision making.

5. They appreciate life’s failures

When it comes to working or completing tasks, if it’s not done correctly, your turbulent personality will see failure in the outcome. Now before you judge harshly on the word failure, take a minute to analyze the true meaning of failure.

If you try something and do not succeed, then you fail. This means you try again, correct? The INFP-T sees failures in their work easily, then they work on those failures until they succeed. You don’t try to lie about the mistakes or cover them up. You simply face their failures.

6. They are not as risky

Turbulent people are not as risky when it comes to decision making, buying, or any other endeavor. In your opinion, the negative outcome of risk far outweighs a possible positive outcome if you do something out of the ordinary.

Remember, with the INFP personality trait, introversion plays a large part in risk-taking. This introverted spirit in you tries to keep the INFP safe from harm, especially the turbulent kind.

Do these qualifications fit you?

Are you an INFP-T, an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and a perceptive person with a tendency to have turbulent traits? If so, you are not alone. Although I might say, you fit into a really small percentage of the world’s population. Yeah, I think I mentioned that before. But hey, to be unique is to be proud! INFP-A is also a unique and rare personality type.

So, don’t be so harsh on yourself if you don’t seem to fit in with the crowd. I mean, who wants to, right? An INFP-T is a special person, with all their weaknesses and strengths. So, go forth, and make the best of your life.  As I’ve said before, the world is full of all kinds of people, including you. And you’re definitely needed.

Be blessed and embrace who you are.


  1. https://www.16personalities.com
  2. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu

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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Irene

    Interesting article. I do have a couple of traits of the INFP-T. I wonder if there is an in-between one like a INFP-K lol.

    1. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

      You know, I’m not sure. When I took the test, I was a mediator too. But as I look at the traits, I question that now. I may have changed, or like you’re saying, we may have to break these down even further.

    2. Charles

      Other than T there is A and A/T. As far as I know there are no other variations.💁🏻‍♂️

    3. jamie kendrick

      Take a bull by the horns, but don’t pull his tail. The best fight is always the one you walk away from. Engage on issues but don’t
      take everything personally.

  2. Thomas Diener

    What % of Folk are INFP-T ?
    Based on my anecdotal evidence?
    Maybe (maybe!) 1 in 1000.
    I’d be interested in actual numbers.

    1. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

      4-5% of the population of the world is INFP, but only between 1-1.5% is INFP-T. 70,000,000 people out of the 7 billion people on the earth. Thing is, I think it’s closer to 8 billion people on this earth. And I think it’s usually stated 1 out of every hundred in percentage.

  3. Gretchen

    I took the test and it said I was an INFP-T. I too wonder if we can and do change “some” of our personality traits because of experiencing certain “traumatic” events in our lives or even gaining “wisdom” over time. I think the INFP-T traits fit me more now as I’ve gotten older AND as my so-original personality as a child. I do know that I would have answered these questions differently at different periods of time of my life. I used to be very risk taking; with a “devil may care attitude” because of a feeling of lack of control of outcomes and because the larger picture seemed too unpredictable, too large, and complex. Hence, my introverted nature now. Life has caused me a lot of pain, so I feel the need to walk softly and carry a big stick.

    1. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

      Gretchen, you make some valid and interesting points here. I agree that we show different traits at different times in our lives. It’s just obvious, come to think of it. While I’ve always been a bit introverted. I am much more like this now. You have me thinking so many things about how we change.

  4. Salma

    I feel kind of extroverted as well because i can be talkative and I’m not afraid to stick up for my self but all test tell me I’m INFP/INFP-t.

  5. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

    I am talkative too, but only with those, I know well. Otherwise, I am introverted. There’s a difference. I used to be frightened, but I am braver about sticking up for myself too. These tests show you things that are there, but they don’t always show your slight transitions through the years as you open up. You answer the questions, and this means, you decide what to hold back and what to reveal.

  6. Michael

    Every so often there seems to be a reason for me to revisit the test. The last time I took it was some 5 years ago. I’ve been doing some research and work with the Jungian archetypes and thought I would come back and look at M-B.

    The interesting thing is I have reached a point in my life that has made me feel more like who I am than ever before in my life. I retook the test and INFP-T and this IS who I am. I don’t feel defined by the results – I define the results!

  7. Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

    So, it seems you changed, and yet you remained the same person. What a wonderful testimony to your self-worth. You do define the results, and we all do age like fine wine when we’re always learning and truly living.

    The sad part, however, is how long it takes sometimes for us to find us, the real us. I’m still looking for pieces of me.

  8. Lilyfreaksout

    This is so me! But finding this out made me a bit sad. It seems that we are so feeling/emotion oriented. We mostly use our hearts over our minds. To some extent, I find it so pathetic because we always put others first instead of us taking care of us first. Just my two cents. anyone can rebutt though. Make me change my mind about how I see myself as an INFP-T.

  9. Ben Collins an INFP-T

    The personality test tends to show outward traits that can infer aspects about ones internal cognitive function and categorises them rather than showing all aspects of the cognitive frame work of ones mind as cannon. I’ve heard its best to look more deeply into ones own cognitive method as extra assurance of ones personality type as opposed to outward observations of behaviours alone, though at the end of the day personalities are fluid, abstract, and theoretical and we cant put the human mind in a box (completely) its so complex. Such a fascinating topic! I’m an INFP-T as far as I know. I’ve got the result 3 times over (; I’m trying to not let it define me but to define it (though usually it is validation of what I’ve been shown by the test anyway). Apparently the INFP is the most commonly misgiven personality type by the test!

  10. Janee

    Fascinating writers/info. This is close to me! But I’m not as creative- the “ creative “ side was stunted in my 30s when I wanted to fit in- but it wasn’t possible. Overtime I became a more kind person with possibly 3 friends. I hate lies so much, I’d rather not even be around my own cousins sometimes- they just made things up as they went along. 🙄🤨😔

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