It is a well-known fact that people’s origins, traditions, and customs are reflected in numerous legends, passed down from generation to generation. There are a few peoples whose legends say that their ancestors came to planet Earth from nearby stars. Let’s explore a couple of examples.
The Dogon tribe
Two of these peoples are the Dogon tribe who are native to Mali in West Africa. The Dogon believe that the place where their ancestors came from was the Sirius star. Some researchers, such as Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, have claimed that the tribe possessed astronomical knowledge that was impossible to obtain with naked-eye observation, such as the number of Jupiter moons and the rings of Saturn. However, the most probable explanation of this knowledge would be an earlier contact with Europeans.
Araucanian mythology
In the mythology of Araucanians, a South American Indian tribe, stars are perceived as people who found themselves in heaven. In the texts of Avesta, there is a mention that all humanity came to planet Earth from another star.
According to these texts, people who belong to the Caucasian race, are natives of the Big Dipper star, people belonging to the Mongoloid race came from the Cygnus and Lyra constellations, people of the Indian race came from the Cassiopeia star, and the people of the Negroid race – from the Orion constellation. However, such records are doubtful, because the races mentioned in Avesta are present on our planet.
Many legends contain a detailed description of the six species of living creatures, designed to assist humanity in hard times. According to some of the written sources that survived to the present day, the world was inhabited by snake people, bird people, people with dog or cat heads. Maybe that is why the cult of the cat was so powerful in some of the ancient civilizations, and in many parts of the world, it is possible to find figures that resemble cat people. It looks as if these creatures used to cohabit with humans and later mingled with them.
Why Do Some People Believe That Humans Came from Another Planet, Based on Legends and Myths?
Legends, affirming the extraterrestrial origin of mankind, should not be taken for anything but fantasies of primitive people. However, according to people who choose to believe in ancient aliens and the extraterrestrial origins of humans, savages lack abstract thinking and can speak only on topics related to the surrounding reality. Thus, these people interpret myths about ancient alien visitors as possible evidence that primitive people of the past could indeed have encountered beings from outer space.
However intriguing this point of view may sound, in reality, these legends are most likely just that – legends.
One of the problems I have with your scenario is the distinct relationship between all carbon based life form’s DNA, where the similarities is both design and structure as well as what appears to be identical strings of DNA suggest a direct link between humans, hominids, hominins and and the entire panoply of flora and fauna, both past and present.
We share somewhere around 97% of our DNA with Chimpanzees, 94% with great apes, and well over 50% with a sea cucumber.
We share less of the DNA of the Starchild. About 50%, but that is for another argument.
Why ‘interventionists’ insist of calling hominins ‘extraterrestrial’ when every sighting and all events recorded publicly shows creatures and their craft as being ‘here’ (in Earth’s atmosphere) That as easily could mean they are ‘Other or ‘Unknown’ Terrestrials as not. They are here as evidenced by tens of thousands of eye witnesses, then have about 5-6 different shapes and sizes, they travel in craft that have 3-4 general shapes. Sighted craft exhibit 3-4 specific non gravitational characteristics including various degrees of transparency, including instantaneous visibility and invisibility. Craft also travel at incredible speeds, make right angle or reverse direction hi speed turns and appear and disappear on radar and other tracking devices instantaneously.
To speculate on where they are ‘from’ is as meaningless as attributing any ‘purpose or meaning’ to their observed behavior. At best we can document and categorize what is observed.
The preponderance of evidence will eventually lead to some general conclusions, the most obvious being that craft behavior suggests some form of anti gravity control, likely to be artifacts of an electrostatic field ‘envelope’, (actually, we know that to a degree of near certainty).
The above demonstrates that observed phenomenon are in fact elements of actual dimensional craft and occupants, that they have been here as long as recorded history exists, and likely far into the pre-historic past. That, however does NOT support that they are ‘extra-terrestrial’ or from somewhere else. Without speculation or guesswork, they are ‘other’, and/or possibly ‘unknown’ terrestrials. If they share 50% of our DNA as the Starchild skull suggests, then they share 25% of the DNA of all carbon based life forms on Earth. You can’t have it both ways. If they share DNA with Earth’s flora and fauna, then they ARE from here. Which is the most logical conclusion, based on the known facts.
Sorry, it doesn’t help your ‘interventionist’ views, but then logic seldom does for any ideological constructs.
In addition, what is failing in your reports of myths and legends of the Dogon tribe and others, is that travel to Sierius B is just as likely in a craft riding an electrostatic envelope, as it is to travel ‘from’ there to here. Either journey is nearly instantaneous, as all scientific experiments tell us there is no latency in electrostatic field transmission, regardless of distance. Which means that ‘C’ is actually a wave limit and not an absolute limit.
We are all that remain. Our home planets were all destroyed due to constant wars. We were seeded on this planet and monitored to ensure our survival.