All eclipses documented between 1900 and 2199 did provide or will provide over 2 centuries of amazing celestial beauty. Our next opportunity for a lunar and solar eclipse is next month!

No summer would be complete without the mesmerizing beauty of both a lunar and solar eclipse. Wouldn’t you agree? Gazing at the stars is wonderful, and capturing images of shooting stars takes skill and can be loads of fun, but watching the colors change during an eclipse is an unmatched sensation.

June has two treats sent from the heavens to beguile our senses. Between June 5-6, 2020, we can expect a penumbral lunar eclipse, viewable from a large area of the globe. And since most eclipses come in pairs, we can also expect an annular solar eclipse on June 21, 2020, just two weeks later.

The lunar eclipse – June 5, 2020

Unfortunately, the entire world won’t get to see the lunar eclipse, but a large part of the western and eastern world will. The majority of Europe, Asia, all of Africa, and a southeast portion of South America will be lucky enough to enjoy the spectacle on June 5th.

Timetable for the lunar eclipse: In the penumbral start, the eclipse is visible at 5:45, a full eclipse at 7: 24, and the penumbral ending is at 9:04 – this is in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

The lunar eclipse will be visible for 3 hours and 18 minutes, long enough for all who view to completely enjoy the experience, alone or with the rest of your family. Please stay safe if viewing with friends or outsiders.

The solar eclipse – June 21, 2020

Unlike its lunar version, the solar eclipse will be visible to a smaller area of the globe. As the moon passes across the line of sight of the sun, only parts of Africa, south/east Europe, much of China, the Pacific Islands, and north of Australia. A partial eclipse may be seen in a wider area including a larger swath of Europe, Asia, and Africa, but the full effect of the solar eclipse will only be viewable in a tight region as mentioned above.

Timetable for solar eclipse: The first area to see the eclipse happens at 3:45 on June 21st. The first area to see the full eclipse is at 4:47 while the maximum eclipse happens at 6:40. The last location for the end of the full eclipse is at 8:32, and that for partial eclipse happens at 9:34. Again, this is in UTC (Coordinated Universal time).

Yet another spectacular event this season

Not only will we see a lunar and solar eclipse in the month of June, but also one more in the month of July. That’s right, this season doesn’t bring us a pair of celestial experiences, but a triple delight. You usually hear that a solar eclipse either follows a lunar eclipse by two weeks or comes before. This season, another happens on July 5, 2020!

Don’t miss out on the lunar and solar eclipse this June!

If you love observing heavenly bodies, and I do mean the universe, then watching the lunar and solar eclipse will be a treat. Don’t miss out.

Also, make sure you purchase the right equipment, like special eclipse viewers to safety, watch the spectacle. You can even find videos and articles about making your own eclipse viewers. These are necessary to avoid looking directly at the sun during the solar eclipse, as it can damage your eyesight. Maybe most people already know this, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

So have fun and make some memories to smile about later. Let us know about your eclipse experience!

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