The progress of human civilization has set environmental problems on Earth. Yet, the fate of human civilization is not a question of tens or hundreds of years but of thousands and millions of years. Some scholars believe that migration to another galaxy would be the only possible scenario in the distant future.
In recent years, cosmologists spoke of so-called space-time foam, which gives birth to many universes, and our universe is just a tiny “bubble” of this foam. Thus, we can speak of the infinite multiverse.
The Milky Way sooner or later will get to the stage of collapse and a black hole. After the death of the galaxy, there will be only a faint hope that there will remain a piece of information about the past history of humanity.
Moreover, before the death of the galaxy, humanity would face the devastating consequences of the changes in polarity and axis of rotation of the Earth.
All these pessimistic conclusions should have some kind of solution. The human is a very strange creature, don’t you think? We don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, but we are concerned about the fate of humanity millions of years from now 🙂
The truth is that in the near future, long-distance space flights and human life on other planets are unrealistic. First of all, it is unlikely that there is a planet with life conditions perfectly suitable for humans in our galaxy. Even if the geophysical conditions were suitable, the bacteria would be hostile to aliens, and humans wouldn’t manage to survive in unfamiliar conditions.
Migration to Another Galaxy As a Way to Survive
The only one way out is to fly to a new star, using our own planet Earth as an intergalactic vehicle. So far it looks like a weird unattainable fantasy, but maybe someday this project will become true…
The Solar system moves in the Milky Way around the helical trajectory. Theoretically, it is possible to accurately calculate a flight path and to fly to a nearby galaxy in a straight trajectory in a relatively short period of time (800-1000 years) in order to continue the progress of human civilization at a younger star.
Such a flight to a new star is a very real project to implement in 200 centuries. There is sufficient time at our disposal. Considering humanity’s achievements of the 20th century, in 200 centuries, it will possible to solve these technical and social problems.
A logical question arises: where to get the energy necessary for migration to another galaxy and moving the Earth from its galactic orbit in the right direction? The answer may lie in a concept of geoelectromechanics, according to which our planet, Solar system, Milky Way, and the whole Universe are interconnected electromechanical systems.
According to this concept, our planet is an electric motor, the rotor of which is the liquid part of magma, and the stator is the Earth’s crust. The energy of cosmic particles (electrically conductive plasma) passing through the planet’s magnetic field is converted into electrical energy of the radiation currents in the core of the Earth.
In fact, it is a giant magnetohydrodynamic generator (MHD-generator). Thus, the Earth is a part of the energy structure of the Universe. We just need to learn how to use these processes.
Problems of the long-term perspectives of human civilization are being solved today, and it’s not just a crazy fantasy. The future of human civilization is in hands of generations of the 21st century and beyond…
If we make it into such a distant future, migration to another galaxy could become possible. Moreover, it could be the only way to ensure our species’ survival.