Let’s delve into the mystery of hypnosis and try to separate the truth from the myths.
Egyptian priests and Indian Brahmins, Mongolian shamans, and Zoroastrian magicians used to hypnotize the crowd with twinkling lights, sounds and rhythmically swinging shiny objects.
Obeying the orders of hypnotists, convincible men and especially women fell into a trance, demonstrating dexterity, walking barefoot on hot coals, and having visions believed to be of divine nature.
People believed hypnosis to be a kind of magic or a manifestation of the divine will. But what is the mystery of hypnosis in reality?
The Mystery of Hypnosis Throughout History
From a scientific point of view, the phenomenon of hypnosis was for the first time considered in 1776 by the French physician Franz Mesmer, who developed the theory of magnetism, which states that the healing power passes from doctor to patient at a touch of particular magnetic fluids.
With the use of the mentioned fluids, he performed healing and clairvoyance sessions and put patients into a trance state. Now it is difficult to say whether a genuine recovery was achieved in someone other than ladies suffering from melancholy, but mesmerism became a craze all over Europe.
In 1842, physician James Braid linked hypnosis to the manipulation of shiny objects. Parisian psychiatrist Jean Charcot used hypnosis to treat patients with hysteria at the Salpetriere, a hospital for insane women. He believed that the trance state occurred due to disorders of the nervous system and the task of the doctor was to correct these disorders.
His opponent Ambroise Liebeault argued that hypnosis had a psychological nature and depended on the patient’s suggestibility. The truth, as it often happens, was hidden in the middle.
As a result, hypnosis came to the medical practice primarily as a tool for post-traumatic treatment and psychoanalytic work with phobias, addictions, and psychosomatic diseases. Hypnosis techniques were used for pain relief in labor, dental procedures, and many other areas.
In parallel with the medical aspect of hypnosis, it was used also for entertainment purposes. In the second half of the 20th century, hypnosis performances were very popular.
Hypnotists put daredevils from the audience in a trance, and then showed hypnotic catalepsy (immobility in a given position) and made the hypnotized participants make all sorts of tricks: answer questions, draw, sing, balance, etc.
How Hypnosis Is Performed
First of all, a hypnotist makes a person relax, then fixes his attention on some object or a noticeable sound, and finally gives them a command – the so-called rapport. At the beginning of the 20th century, hypnotists often swung a gold watch on a chain in front of the face of a hypnotized person, but any similar object could be used.
The hypnotized person is immersed in a condition similar to sleep – they are relaxed, they cannot control their actions and are subject to the instructions of the hypnotist. The subject usually does not remember anything about what they did in trance.
Hypnosis can remove fear or disgust, relieve fatigue or phobia, make one insensitive to pain or get them to talk about experienced events and feelings. These simple tasks are easy to perform, but experienced professionals know about some other nuances.
Thus, with the help of hypnosis, it is easy to determine whether the patient’s paralysis, numbness, or lameness are of physiological nature or are the result of trauma.
Experienced hypnotists suggest the right thoughts and even give assignments that the person performs sometime after the session ends. But it is proven that the order to commit suicide, steal something, strip naked publicly, etc. bound to cause a denial or resistance – it is impossible to make a person do things that they would not do in the normal state.
According to experts, some people are susceptible to hypnosis while others are not. A person can be put into a trance during a conversation by touching their body or synchronizing breathing rhythm – these techniques are used by experts in neuro-linguistic programming.
But it is impossible to hypnotize a person who is consciously resisting it.
Thanks for clarifying the true nature of hypnosis. Many people are not aware of its great benefits.