In 1974, as a result of Ptomaine poisoning, I had what I later discovered was a Near-Death Experience (NDE). It frightened the life out of me.

At that time, there was no information about this most profound, mind-blowing, spiritual experience. I was convinced I had developed psychosis and was waiting with much trepidation for the next episode. Fortunately, it did not appear.

However, what did appear was a book written by Dr. Raymond Moody called “Life after Life”. I read it in 2 days and found it most therapeutic. It did 2 things for me, first, to my great relief, I found I was not the only one to have an NDE. I was not alone and second, even better, it was clear I had not developed psychosis.

There are many many accounts, articles, and books about the NDE, including 123,000,000 references on Google. The most compelling, I think, is the book by Dr. Eben Alexander, “Proof of Heaven.

Being a brain surgeon, he was uniquely qualified to comment in medical terms about his NDE and how the deteriorated condition of his brain would preclude any activity in the cerebral cortex and therefore any form of awareness.

But as the book explains; he was still aware, sentient, cognizant of his surroundings, and still had intent. Just as if he was conscious. Anyone with an inquiring mind will ask the obvious question, “How can that happen?” That was the question I asked myself after my NDE.

How it happened

My NDE was not deep; I had only three of the nineteen aspects identified by researchers such as the Near Death Research Foundation and the International Assn. for Near-Death Studies, (IANDS) so I will not dwell on the details here. That is not the subject of this article.

However, the experience did, like many others, alter my paradigm or worldview, the nature of the universe and the Divine. All very profound.

To me, my NDE was so unusual, unexpected, and strange that I was left with many questions, not least of which is what, exactly, happened to me, and how? What was the modus operandi of this experience? How can someone be conscious and aware and be medically unconscious at the same time? I decided to research my NDE in detail.

I have considerable experience as an insurance claims investigator/adjuster, which was excellent training for investigating and researching this whole subject. My work in claims taught me that almost nothing is ever exactly as it first appears and the truth must make sense. Another useful attribute is that I am like a little kid, I want to know everything.

One of the first aspects of the NDE is being aware one is out of one’s body and floating around and looking down on the physical body. In order to do that, there must be something containing the consciousness that is not physical.

I conclude this because I have found no reports of people seeing something floating around when someone is having an NDE. So my research concentrated on this particular aspect.

My research

My first clue came from a book I borrowed from the library at the College of Psychic Studies in London UK. I asked the librarian what she recommended for a first time visitor. She told me, “Just close your eyes for a moment them reach out and choose the first book you touch.”

I did and the book I picked was “Journey’s Out of Body” by Robert Monroe, stories of a man who could leave his body at will and travel wherever he wanted.

He started the Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia, to continue his research. I start to believe something when the experiment can be repeated and his certainly could. So this confirmed the phenomenon is real but it still didn’t tell me what the modus operandi was. The consciousness must be contained in something.

My next clues came from two experiments undertaken by two people a world apart. The first was Dr. W. Tiller, Professor Emeritus at UC Berkley. His experiment showed there was more to consciousness than meets the eye.

He discovered that conscious thought has the ability to alter physical matter. He was able to alter the pH of water simply by direct thought at the container. He called this ability Psychoenergetics.

The other experiment was one undertaken by Masaru Emoto of Yokohama Japan. He discovered that the formation of ice crystals could be affected and manipulated, again, by thought alone.

What is the connection between thought and consciousness?

If the matter can be affected by thought, it follows that thought must have or be energy. So what is the connection between thought and consciousness?

The answer seems to be quite complicated and appears to be an extensive subject. However, there is a consensus that without physical consciousness, there is no thought. This is where it gets interesting.

During an NDE, the person is usually physically unconscious, quite often under anaesthesia, but has reported they have become conscious when they leave their body and can think, are aware, and have intent as if they were physically conscious.

We can, therefore, conclude this consciousness is the same no matter what the physical condition of the body. The next question is: how can consciousness leave the body? We know it is or has energy, but we need more information.

The next and final clue came from a man who lives in England. His name is Harry Oldfield and he developed a computer program that processes digital photographs which reveals a field that appears to flow through and around the body. I am using a similar improved program that I use for my research.

This system reveals an energy field around the body. This was not unexpected, the ancient Ayurvedics wrote about it and the chakras in the Upanishads scripts thousands of years ago.

Many other cultures have recorded similar findings they named this field Prana, Chi, Ki, Orgone, etc. I prefer the name Subtle Energy Field (SEF) because that is exactly what it appears to be.

We have found this field contains some quite interesting data:

  • The SEF is in constant slow motion around and through the body.
  • Blockages in the flow relate directly to disease or injury, past and present, and can be a precursor to disease.
  • The field can be altered by thought alone.
  • No edge or limit has been found, which suggests there isn’t one which further suggests it is disseminated throughout the universe. This, I believe, is how we are all interconnected not only on an energetic level but a spiritual level.
  • The field can exist in a cohesive form, free of and independent of the body.
  • Where there is no life, there is no field.
  • The field does not appear to be subjected to the space/time continuum.
  • It appears to have mass.

To show you what the SEF looks like, below are several scans of various subjects. You will note the scans are in false colour, the reds being areas of high biological activity, such as infection and through, to green indication low activity or healthy cells.

This is a scan showing several enclosed areas on the front of the body reveal the real shape of the chakras:

nde chakra
Courtesy of Pranaview Australia

This scan shows the energy field of an energy healer at work:

nde energy healer
Courtesy of Pranaview Australia

This is a scan of a young girl with a head cold, note the red/orange areas over the sinuses and the enclosed area over the sore throat, all areas of high biological activity:

nde headcold
Courtesy of Pranaview Australia

What all this means

Taking all this information into account I came to a remarkable conclusion: our consciousness is contained in this SEF, conscious energy! Once you consider this, there are many strange occurrences that start to make sense. Consider the out of body experience, when the field leaves the body it can operate the same as a conscious person so it can see things and remember data after it returns to the body.

Then there’s the NDE. This is different because evidence suggests the SEF after leaving the body enters another dimension. During my NDE, I found myself in another place. It was a pastoral scene; it certainly looked as if it was physical but that was impossible I was still in bed. The only reasonable explanation is another dimension.

Then there are ghosts; it seems they are the fields of people who do not realize their bodies are dead. This may be because their consciousness remains the same as if they were alive and they can’t tell the difference.

It is intriguing to note the SEF is not normally visible but ghosts are and they are in human form. This may be because the consciousness believes it is still in human form and the fields take on that shape. But why or how it is visible sometimes beats the heck out of me. Oh, and yes there are such things as ghosts. I have seen one.

It was about 6ft away and I gave it the reality test to confirm it was present and not impressed on my visual cortex from another part of my brain, i hallucination. Other phenomena probably involved are telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, and mediumship in all forms.

Closing thoughts

There is much more to tell particularly about the data we found in the SEF, probably a book’s worth but that would be off subject. I would, however, like to delve a little deeper into one aspect before closing.

No edge or limit has been found to the SEF. The density of the field does seem to decrease the further from to body but it does not completely disperse. Scientists and others have been looking into this and several books have been written.

The most compelling is the book by Prof. Gary Schwartz of the U. Of Arizona called “The Living Energy Universe”. Dr. Schwartz is one of the most qualified scientists in his field.

Another book is “The Source Field Investigations” by David Wilcock. Both suggest the Universe has intelligence and is in energy form. There is that conscious energy hypothesis again. It all makes sense to me anyway.

I would like to add a codicil here. My research was always personal, informal, and was undertaken because I am simply inquisitive. In the words of Neale W. Walsch, I could be wrong, so I have no right to ask you to believe me, but I can ask you to think about it.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sakib

    Regarding the energy field around people (in other words auras), scientists have found that the brain somehow knows where the boundaries of the human body end and the surrounding outside world begins. The other thing is that the structure of the whole universe is more or less identical to a brain cell!

  2. Eliza Mellon Swain

    Are you familiar with anything Max Heindel has written? I keep wondering as I read your articles…

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