There are definite signs which indicate a neurotic personality. These symptoms prove where we are on the Five-Factor Model of your Personality!
I have a neurotic personality, which comes as no surprise to me. I kind of figured I did anyway, seeing as how I cannot go through a single day without having at least one meltdown.
Yeah, I used to be ashamed to admit things like this, how I was stricken with bipolar disorder, anxiety, and a light case of OCD, but now, meh, I don’t mind so much. But I have neurosis?
And then there’s today when I’m reminded that we all, as humans, are placed strategically on a spectrum by whomever or whatever created us – be it God or just genetics. This spectrum highlights our strong and weak points in a full array of emotional characteristics.
The Spectrum of the Five-Factor Model
The Spectrum consists of 5 main traits. Every person on the face of the earth scores on the spectrum, or the Five-Factor Model of the Personality (FFM). What makes us unique is due to where we score on the spectrum.
No, it doesn’t indicate that some of us are crazy while others are stable-minded, it simply indicates our strengths and weakness pertaining to mental adaptions.
Each and every one of us falls among these basic dimensions: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and neuroticism, or, as some like to call the opposite of neuroticism, stable-mindedness. For today, we want to focus on neuroticism. Are you neurotic too?
How do I know if I am Neurotic?
Thing is, the spectrum is not the focus of this piece. Actually, I wish to describe what it’s like to be neurotic, how every experience is amplified by neurosis.
So, I will use indicators instead. These signs and symptoms are clear, concise, and to the point. There will be no doubt if you are a little on the neurotic side of the spectrum.
1. You are Sensitive
Those who are neurotic will tend to be sensitive to certain things. They may take offense at criticism and have a hard time with rejection.
I know, these things are not easy for most people anyway, but sensitive people will have a much harder time accepting anything out of the norm. As for me, I hate being told no, and I still do. I tend to take a negative response as a personal attack.
2. Worry
Neurotic individuals tend to worry more than usual. That worry can grow to alarming levels, causing physical pain and nervousness. Personally, I worry to the point where my hands shake and my heart races, that’s one of the best indicators I received when discovering that I had a neurotic personality.
3. Anger
You will see just how neurotic you are by paying attention to your quick temper. People who score on the flip side of emotional stability tend to lose their temper at the slightest disagreement. I must admit, I can be quite volatile when faced with opposition.
Psychologist, Nathan C. Popkins, said,
“The basis of neuroticism are levels of anxiety and volatility.”
4. Stressed
Like worry, stress is much more prevalent in neurosis. Neurotic stress is a combination of fear, worry, and anger. Sometimes this fear and anger, makes the human being respond with negative action.
In my case, the stress I endure causes me to sleep more often and become fatigued. The good part is that I have begun to see this as unhealthy and, over time, learned to channel my stress into positive activity.
Inherently, is Neuroticism good or bad?
You can look at the neurotic as having two distinct sides. On one side, you see panic, anger, fear, and worry. On the other side, you see intuition, action, concern, and strength. I think this holds true for most any two-sided coin of the spectrum.
So before you judge neuroticism, or any other mental disorder, for that matter, take the time to understand the dynamics of this human feature. Because, after all, it is only a part of an intricate whole of the person. When understanding arrives, so does compassion and we all need a little bit of that, now don’t we!
I love how we learn more and more about mental illness every day. It gives me hope for the future.
Sadly you have no mental illness at all because that is actually what the world deems the normals whom are the mentally ill. It’s a mirrored image because the world is an illusion and of mirrors. I know as I am the same as you but now I know it’s the gift of spirit within which is being rejected by the world as it is the opposite of the physical or exterior shell/mask. Just know that you’re in the minority because your rare. Just love life and accept that you have everything you need and need nothing else. By gratitude and truthfulness will it begin to understand itself. Have compassion on those who you will now see as mindless because they are not mindful but need compassion from those like you. One day at a time and in time you will see your true gift and it’s bounty. I suggest you read up on it as the guide and truth are in you. Let them lead and not fight or feel less than you are in being perfect
wonderful article with great insight. Frankly they are just all labels and I am glad that you brought it all down to earth in stating its only a small part of a whole person. thank you
Its good to be able to point out the positive side of some of these characteristics as its all there
well I am neurotic I suffer from neurotic illness like panic disorder social anxiety in fact a whole load of anxiety disorders and phobias also depression I except this hate it but except it however I hate to describe myself as mentally ill to me that is psychosis and I have witnessed this however I know something is wrong housebound several times I am very sensitive tempermental volatile I know all of this cannot help it hate it I was once told by my doctor I was born this way genetically it is my personality but I still hate to refer to myself as mentally ill mainly due to the stigma and negative conatations this term still has I am in contact with myself intelegent but my nerves are bad