There are many theories of the origin of the universe. Some of these ideas are based on spiritual aspects while some are mind-bending, just as some ideas of our universe.

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the universe? Well, of course, most of you have. Although we’re small compared to the big picture, we thrive on learning more and more about where we came from. Thinking about the universe with its spectacular beauty leaves us dreaming of our origins beyond our imagination.

Just a few ideas about how it began

If you think you’ve heard it all, just take a pause. There are multitudes of theories which explain the origins of how we came into being within our universe. Many of these theories are strange and interesting, to say the least. While many are common theories we’ve heard before, all of them are intriguing. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

1. White holes

You may be familiar with black holes. Most people are. If not, here’s a breakdown. A black hole is the result of a star which has died, creating a hole which sucks in light and all other matter surrounding it. White holes work in the opposite manner. Instead of sucking matter in, they spit it out.

The white hole is an area of spacetime which cannot take any matter in from the outside, only spit it out. Meaning, a white hole could be the birth of a star or a multitude of them. Of course, this is just a hypothetical theory, created by the idea of relativity which is from the brain of Albert Einstein.

2. Big bang theory

One origin could explain, in simple terms, the beginning of the universe. The Big bang theory is a popular one, especially among those who do not believe in creationism. Basically, the big bang theory says the universe came from a singular solid mass.

At one instant, everything began to expand. Matter and energy flew throughout the blackness to create the universe. This left background radiation behind the expanding universe. In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble brought forth this theory of the expanding universe, hence the evolution of the Big bang theory.

3. Theory of slow freeze

So, what if the Big bang wasn’t the actual beginning, but just a part of the process? Well, with the slow freeze theory, that is very possible. In this theory, it seems the universe started in a cold and empty pre-existence.

The particles in this existence became so heavy while gravity weakened, thus warming by radiation coming from the heavier masses. The Big bang may not have been a big band at all, but a slow warming and expanding process producing stars, and then whole galaxies over billions of years.

4. Mirage of the black hole

black hole paradox

The universe may have strange origins, much like this one. Get ready to wrap your mind around this. Physicists suggested that our universe is simply a 3-dimensional sphere within a 4-dimensional universe. I guess you can say a universe inside another.

We never existed until a 4D star collapsed creating a 3D black hole, or an Event horizon. Material from the collapsed star formed a 3-dimensional membrane around the event horizon. Then expansion occurred within the membrane, hence the universe we know.

5. Plasma creation

The plasma theory focuses on electromagnetism. The basic idea is that some kind of electrical process created everything in the present universe. This includes stars, comets, and the sun. Many people believe what surrounds them are huge filaments of ions and electrons. Forces from electromagnetism warp the electrons and ions. This theory suggests that the universe has an infinite age and size.

6. No beginning/ no end

Otherwise known as the Steady state theory, the idea that the universe has no big bang or no marvelous creation, may be hard to swallow. However, this was the belief until the 1960s. Some still believe it.

There is a perfect cosmologic principle which states that the universe is the same no matter where you look. There is non-stop creation of matter that changes the density in the expanding universe. Since the universe is the same everywhere all the time, it has no beginning and no end.

7. Pulsating universe

dark energy universe

This theory is interesting as well. It’s concerning the expansion and retraction of the universe. This idea states that the universe is always expanding…until it stops. The pulsating theory states that at some time this expansion could stop and then retract.

The retraction may reach a certain size and then a huge explosion similar to the big bang occurs, hence starting the process all over again. This is why it’s called the pulsating theory.

What’s your theory?

So, how did it all begin? How did so many beautiful cosmic and heavenly sites come into being? Honestly, it’s a mystery. We do, however, have theories which help us understand how the birth of the universe may have occurred.

In earlier times, there were only two popular theories of how our existence began: the Big bang theory and the belief in celestial creation. In modern times, the Big bang theory is widely acknowledged. Although the big bang theory may be the most popular theory around, there are many more intriguing ideas, as you can see above.

So, what do you think? What is your theory of the origin of this vast universe?



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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Don

    The Big Bang is simply the first scientific theory in history which has attained conventional wisdom. The only thing that is truly mind boggling is how much we don’t know. If you watch “How the Universe Works”, the most common thing you hear is “We don’t know”. One day they will advance beyond relativity and quantum theory and that will be the second big step. In the meantime, my favorites are holographic universe and conscious universe. Those aren’t origins, but I don’t know how to think about an origin. It’s all so much fun to think, watch, and read about, though.

    1. Sherrie Hurd

      It is fun to read about and watch. I Love to watch the documentaries explaining all the new discoveries. You know, none of us really really know…so what’s so bad about that. Some things aren’t for us to know. Who are we to question?

  2. Ron

    I resonate most an infinite ever changing universe within and outside a universe and within and outside a universe and within and outside a universe. No beginning and no end.

    1. Sherrie Hurd

      Do you refer to a “Russian doll” or a chain of universes going on forever into the….well…what’s next?

  3. sunny

    what was before big bang,how is it that matter or a ball that exploded come ins in to existence.its really funny to think that there was a big ball that exploded and universe came into being.The universe with laws so precise and accurate on the basis of that we can calculate and determine physical laws so without any flaw.

    1. Sherrie Hurd

      If you aren’t spiritual, you will always ask, “What was before that, and then before that.” Or you will just cop out and say, “Oh its always been and always will be” But dang it! Who started that unending always been stuff then? So many questions…so much fun, huh

      1. Donatus Tegha K

        Hey Hurd, I don’t think its even more about being spiritual but rather by reason which is presumably common to all humans. It doesn’t make sense to keep on going in circles on “what was before that and then before that”… Somehow, we have to reach a point where we can say “this is where it all started”. Philosophers before us like Aristotle, Aquinas and others who reason in the line of causation seem to provide a better answer. If we go by regression, something must cause something. But we can’t regress ad infinitum. Hence it is necessary that there must be some First cause that put everything in motion.

        1. Sheila Mathews

          That First Cause is God. Why are we leaving God out of the picture? As someone has commented, science doesn’t know everything yet. In fact science hasn’t even touched the tip of the iceberg so to speak. When science doesn’t know, and when it is obvious that we can create nothing from nothing in this world, as the laws of sciences don’t permit it, why then are we dismissing the notion of an all powerful creator God?

          If our current existence is a result of pure chance, how did pure chance know what to do to make existence exist? Why impart unique and specific DNA to each and every individual entity existing in this world? How does it know to do so?

          The perfection of our existence is too much to ask me to believe that it all happened by chance

          For instance, how could pure chance just happen to evolve into 2 sexes only and not more? What prevents it from evolving into 3 or 4 or endless sexes?

          And how did it know that only these 2 sexes are required for procreation of each kind/species?

          How did chance make our biological systems so complex that even learned people like doctors find them difficult to decipher?

          How did it know to make symmetry for everything?

          Our existence screams intelligent design, yet learned people say that we happened by chance over billions of years.

          I am an artist and I try to create artistic designs. But no matter how long I let my Canvas be, my designs don’t come out by chance

          Nothing can be created from nothing. Only a supernatural power can create something from nothing

          1. Paul C Mascaro

            Where’s the proof of a ‘God’, or any of the religious dogma.

  4. MarkmBha

    A universe within a universe. This statement is astounding!

  5. wantAbud

    But what about multiple universes within a single external universe?

    Actually, I ascribe to a vast, perhaps infinite, volume of Nothingness (see Einstein’s “Relativity”) containing the already existent presence of gravity. Within that environment, I ascribe the massive explosion of the big bang originally occurred.*

    Annihilation, in physics, is a reaction in which a particle and its antiparticle collide, disappear, and release energy. If you have an equal amount of matter and antimatter, after all the initial annihlaton is over there is a remaining 3 to 6% of matter remaining.

    So the energy that created what we can see is a mere 3 to 6% of the energy that created the universe. Why is the universe still expanding? Simple! There is 17 to 33 times more energy involved than usually given in the calculation….

    * That might explain why there is not an easy explanation of a Unified Theory–a mingling of two environments 1/2 being gravity– 1/2 the rest of the universe’s forces, like water and oil, but homogenized per plank time.

    1. Sherrie Hurd


      This is an interesting theory which explains the continual expansion. Thanks for reading

  6. Eva

    It is possible that there is the universe in which most of the above theories are at work at the same time. In this theory the universe is born, it goes trough its lifespan and eventually it dies (just like every life forms we know) : it is born trough an explosion from a retracted previous universe, it expands trough its lifetime until it begins to retract again to becomes a “singularity” protected in a “womb”, inside this womb everything is re-shaffled, re-mixed until all the elements (light, matter,gravity,magnetism, etc…) and laws of physics reduced to One Element ready to be expelled and turned into a new e different universe , but nothing in the new universe is “new”, in fact, all is recycled.

    1. Sherrie Hurd

      Now there’s an interesting idea, the recycled universe. Maybe that’s why we have such deja vu. Maybe we’ve been scrambled similar to this before. 🙂

  7. Flash Titan

    Beyond human comprehension. Infinite infinities where the twain shall never meet.

  8. Carl

    You have my vote EVA

  9. Rex David Israel

    The universe that we have is but part of the process of universe creation and destruction. This means that there was a universe before that existed and collapsed unto itself. After sometime, that singularity exploded again forming a new universe which is what we have right now. Someday, this Universe will also collapese forming a new singularity and then it will explode and form another Universe and the process continues. This process is prevalent just like what life is – a cycle of birth and death.

  10. Orniz

    I believe the big bang its not so singular and many similar events happen all the time. Just like van der waals events happen inside an electron cloud with at just the same fixed energy level. Please give me the credit if later on this becames mainstream, its and Idea Ive formulated myself through years.

  11. Eric Beaubien

    I theorized that the universe was simply, the geometric embodiment of an integer count (0,1,2,3 …). I worked on it for 60 years and got all of the main features of physics and cosmology (most mechanisms quantified). Unfortunately, there aren’t many theories on earth that start from nothing … so, no interest in my book [“Ex Nihilo – The Logic of Existence”] :o(
    One interesting (and undeniable) thing about existence is that there are only a finite number of things to see. Imagine a sheet of paper that covers your field of view that has 1,000,000 pixels on it (about the resolution of a 720p TV). Let each pixel be either black or white. There are then 2^1,000,000 permutations that can be shown. In base10 it’s 10^301030 permutations. Virtually all of these are just a random gray ‘nothing’. Yet everything that can ever be seen (grayscale only) is depicted in this number. It’s quite finite. So, if you lived ‘forever’ … in principle … you’d have to have ‘do-overs’ ;o)

  12. Harry Wilson

    I believe the universe was created by an intelligence that is neither mass nor energy. It existed before time and hence you could say “always” was. This intelligence initially, and possible by accident . created something like an explosion. When noting what it had done, it decided to do it again, and the second time it was more powerful. And so on – just as we create games to amuse us, the intelligence began creating “universes” to entertain itself(ves). Over time, and after perhaps trillions of “creation” events – the creates had become unbelievably complex – and that/those intelligences found a way that they could participate in their creations. There is a lot more to this (just think of how we create more and more complex diversions to amuse and entertain ourselves.) I think one might get an inkling of what could happen given trillions of years of experimentation and various creations.

  13. Jack McNally

    Why would you assume the Universe was ‘created’ … that it is the result of cause and effect?
    Something must exist before it can change or be changed, act or be acted upon. Change is a “function of” the phenomenon of existence. Existence is the SOURCE of cause and effect, NOT the result of it. Existence is logically justified by a principle, not a process.
    Δ = ƒ(E)

  14. Dave Hyatt

    They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the Creator …. (The Bible book of Romans, chapter 1 verse 25)

    Psalm 37: verses 10 & 11
    2nd Timothy chapters 3 & 4
    Dust it off and read it and seek God because, if you haven’t noticed, man is ruining the earth.

  15. Bob Sloan

    Hello everyone, I’ve spent a long time asking questions and looking for answers about where the universe came from, and after many years contemplation I have finally come to a conclusion.

    Essentially I believe there exists a vast expanse of Dark Matter Space, where clouds of Dark Matter are in constant motion twisting and swirling often forming into whirlpools with intense gravity. It is when two of these whirlpools collide they generate a Gravity Vortex spiralling out forming a vacuum of space containing Dark Energy, this is the First Big Bang expanding under great pressure from the surrounding Dark Matter Space.
    As the pressure increases, such that the Dark Energy becomes super-heated converting into Plasma, the second Big Bang takes place within the confines of what is now the universe, exploding out converting into Electromagnetic Energy as the building blocks for physical matter of Atoms, Molecules, Stars, Planets and Galaxies all under the influence of Gravity.
    Residual Dark Matter and Dark Energy remains throughout the universe to influence the expansion at ever-increasing rates, with Black Holes driving the rotation of Galaxies and forming circular discs to create Ecliptic Planes providing a platform for Solar Systems to exist.

    However, the discovery of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the universe is not the same as that of the Dark Matter Space expanse, what we have in our universe is a diluted form and will not behave in the same way since the Laws of Physics apply only to Electromagnetic particles.
    It should also be remembered, that all Energy in the universe is constant, although it cannot be created nor destroyed it can be converted from one form into another form.

  16. Dominic Udoh

    I have read much about the formation of the universe – theories of accidental explosive big bangs; black-hole/white-hole energy cosmological transformations; primordial biological soups; billion -years evolutionary eventualities, etc. Trying to define, explain or prove these theories will lead us nowhere, even over eons of time. If someone’s lost key is in his pocket, let him search the world over and it will never be found until his pocket is searched.
    The creator of all things is God, Q.E.D. That is why there is poetry, love, sense, emotions, hatred and aspiration in the nature and character of living animals, especially man. the universe has style, format, beauty and stable systems. Actually, it is scientists and not philosophers or even theologians who ought to be in the forefront of apologists for the role of God in creation and the making of mankind. They are the one handling cause/effect issues and dealing with natural laws and principles and discovery and using these laws and principles in innumerable technological inventions. Standing with the truth/revelation that God exists and that he created the universe, as well as man and other biological entities would have fostered a clearer and faster elucidations of the mysteries of creation and man’s role in it.
    He made man in his own image, with a 2 dimensional nature (i) spiritual – spirit and soul entity, (ii) body – a vehicle for life on earth. When we die, our spirit which came from God to impart his nature to our soul, returns to God. Our body returns to earth matter, while our souls, having now been spiritually conformed, continues with life in a spiritual plane.
    We usually study matter in its 3 states of existence – gaseous, liquid and solid. However, by Einstein’s mass/energy equation, all matter can be said to have 4 states – solid, liquid, gas and energy (E = mv2). A body of matter can therefore also exist as expendable energy. Theoretically speaking, therefore, all matter in the universe can be converted to energy ‘E’. From our human standpoint such would make all matter on earth and in space invisible, as if they disappeared! We do not normally see energy or Spirit (God), but might feel it as light, sound, electricity or spiritual energy. Is it impossible that the source factor we are looking for is God Himself, since He is Spirit ? God controls/holds all energy and can release it in quanta bundles as matter — as atoms and increments of same into stars and more.
    It is because God is the creator that humans as apex creatures seek him readily when not compelled not to do so.
    This write up is my honest contribution to the search.

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