No parent wants their children to have psychological issues. Every parent wants to raise a child who will give back to society in the future. Sadly, many of them develop mental health problems, and poor parenting is to blame.

So do you show signs of these problems? How would you know that they’re because of misguided parenting?

Bad Parenting Habits That May Cause Psychological Issues

So, what were some things your parents may have done, perhaps unintentionally, to cause your emotional scars?

First of all, your parents may have been too critical of you. Maybe they always compared you with others or kept saying that you weren’t good enough.

Were your parents ‘helicopter parents‘ who followed you to school without your knowledge? Did they demand to know everything about your boyfriends? That may have created a psychological hurdle you didn’t realize you had to cross.

Perhaps they were authoritative parents who refused to give you the freedom to do what you wanted. They were beyond reason and failed to allow you to stretch your potential. You had to listen to everything they had to say. They used iron fists and controlled you with threats of punishment.

Also, your overprotective parents could have restricted your actions too much. Concerned about your well-being, they may have refused to let you do anything yourself.

Also, your parents may have made you feel guilty about doing anything that displeased them. They may have said things like ”How could you take such a low-paying job after I spent so much on your education?’

Finally, your parents may have heaped too much praise on you. They acted as your servants, ready to do your every bidding. They gave you every material thing you wanted.

10 Signs That Your Mental Health Issues Are Due to Unhealthy Parenting

Parents without parenting skills tend to have children with these traits.

1. Worrying too much

Some children of ‘helicopter parents’, first of all, tend to worry much more than they should. Helicopter parents tend to micromanage their kids’ activities and do everything for them. Therefore, their children lose confidence in making decisions themselves.

2. Harmful, extreme behaviors

Authoritarian and hyper-critical parents tend to bring out dangerous, addictive behaviors in their children. These parents always tell their kids how troublesome they are. Their children, therefore, develop feelings of low self-worth and feel that the world can do without them. Consequently, they may show an inclination for self-harm or extreme behaviors.

3. Too Much Tension

Did your parents always snap at you? Perhaps they always barked at you with phrases like ‘Don’t laze around!’ or ‘Stop watching television!’ With phrases like that ringing in your head, it’s no wonder you’re never fully relaxed.

4. Low Self-Esteem

Also, you may have little self-confidence and believe that you can’t do anything as well as others. You may have low self-esteem because your hyper-critical or authoritarian parents kept saying that you weren’t up to the mark when doing anything.

5. Trust Issues

Did your overprotective parents always warn you not to trust others? That may explain your lack of willingness to make friends. You may also believe that all people are dishonest because your parents always told you so.

6. High Dependence

Perhaps your parents never gave you the freedom to do things yourself. Hence, you need friends to solve problems for you all the time. Furthermore, you may lack independence and lean on your partner too much.

7. Suppressed talents or initiative

Are you unwilling to come forward? Children of authoritarian parents may have no willingness to show initiative when doing tasks. They don’t take chances to demonstrate their capabilities because their parents stood in their way.

8. Depression

Your parents may regularly make you feel guilty or ashamed of yourself. As a result, you may have a sense of worthlessness and feelings of depression.

9. Immaturity

Your overprotective parents may have restrained you. As such, you tend to make rash, immature decisions as a grown-up. Consequently, you may say things that are out of line.

10. Narcissism

Do you need constant praise and admiration? You may have qualities of a narcissist. If this is you, your parents may have showered you with too much praise when you were young.

If you have psychological issues, your parents may have used inappropriate parenting strategies. You may want to break similar habits if you’re a parent yourself.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. jake

    i agree to most of them
    and i still have some issues

  2. James Bischoff

    I have people who play the lying games with me and I thought over looking it it would go away and even forgive with no contact it doesn’t work, how do you fix this behavior in others , sincerely Jim

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