Rainbow children are the third generation of special children that are believed to have incarnated on this earth to help humanity heal and evolve.
According to New Age beliefs, rainbow children started incarnating around the year 2000, though some were born earlier than that and came as scouts. This means many of them are now in their teens and beginning to have an even greater impact on the world.
What is the difference between rainbow, crystal, and indigo children?
Essentially, indigo children were born in the ’70s and early ’80s, and New Age practitioners believe that they came as spiritual warriors to break down systems that were not working to clear the way for the next generation of lightworkers.
Indigos are said to have a warrior spirit because their collective purpose is to uproot old structures such as government, business, educational and legal systems that lack integrity. One of the most blessed attributes of the Indigo Children is their integrity. They live by a strong code of values and instinctively see through lies and manipulation.
In contrast, Crystal Children are believed to be blissful and even-tempered. They may have occasional tantrums but they are largely peace-loving and forgiving. They are also said to be loving, sensitive, empathetic, and creative.
Because crystal children are so sensitive, many choose not to eat animals. They also have a close affinity with nature and many have a fascination with rocks and crystals. New Age practitioners say that Crystals’ sensitive natures mean they might be prone to allergies and rashes. Other distinctive characteristics include remembering past lives and being late to start talking.
Usually, Rainbow children are the children of crystal adults. They are here to build on to what the Indigo and Crystal children began.
The terms “Indigo,” “Crystal” and “Rainbow” are given to these three generations based on their aura colors and energy patterns.
Rainbow Children
Rainbow children are said to find delight in color and find themselves drawn to colorful surroundings and brightly colored clothes. They are also full to the brim with energy and enthusiasm and are highly creative.
Rainbow children are believed to be psychic and to have the ability to read people’s feelings. According to New Age beliefs, they are also natural healers and have a strong ability to manifest what they need.
Rainbow children bring joy and harmony to their families with their big-hearted and forgiving natures and their sweet temperaments. They never hold a grudge and return quickly to their sunny nature after any upset.
At a young age, Rainbow children are able to express their needs and wants. They are strong-willed and have strong personalities. This means Rainbow children may be perceived as stubborn and impatient. However, the real reason is simply that they understand their own needs so well that they refuse to settle for something else.
Rainbow children are believed to be enjoying their first incarnation. This means they have no karma. Because of this, they are able to enjoy life on earth with absolutely no attachment to their past. It also explains why they are so high in energy as they have no blockages or karmic residues to deal with.
Because Rainbows don’t need chaos or challenges to balance karma or grow, they are able to choose entirely peaceful and functional households to be born into. New Age practitioners say they often choose to live with Crystal or Indigo adults.
Traits of Rainbow Children, According to New Age Spirituality
Rainbow children:
- Are loving to everyone and entirely fearless of everybody
- Have very strong wills and personalities and may be described as stubborn
- Have extremely high energy
- Are highly attuned to color and color vibrations
- Have passionate creativity
- Bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life
- Expect instant manifestation of whatever they need
- Believed to have healing abilities which they show from a very early age
- Are said to be telepathic
- Often choose Crystal adults as parents
- Have never incarnated before
- Have no Karma
- Do not choose dysfunctional families.
Many people believe they are Indigos, Crystals, or some other type of Lightworker. Whether you believe in this concept or not, it’s nice to see that some people care about the world and want to bring light and love into it. It means that these people are all important and are making the world a better place, whatever label they resonate with.
People who believe they are lightworkers see it as a mission to usher in a new way of thinking and being. Ultimately, they believe to be here to raise the energy of the planet and prepare the world for a new consciousness where hate and fear will be overtaken by light and love. It’s a beautiful idea to believe in, isn’t it?
Interesting imagination!