There are endless articles that refer to introverts and extroverts as personality types, but what happens if you don’t feel like you fit into either of those categories?

Well, an introvert is somebody who gets energy from being alone. They like to spend time alone and are pensive and introspective.

Extroverts then are the opposite. They are energized by being surrounded by people, they enjoy conversation of any kind, and are generally outgoing in social situations.

An ambivert is also right in the middle of the spectrum, seen as halfway between introversion and extroversion, and is a lesser-used term by psychologists today.

There is actually a fourth type that is rarely mentioned in articles and can be described as the extroverted introvert – somebody who has traits of an introvert but is naturally sociable.

So how do you know if you’re an extroverted introvert?

1. You like spending time alone but adapt well to all social situations

An extroverted introvert gets their energy from being alone, like an introvert, but can adapt in any social situation, giving them traits of an extrovert. Extroverted introverts are the ones that appear to be extroverts, but who occasionally need to withdraw after periods of socialising.

2. You are great when somebody needs a shoulder to cry on

An extroverted introvert has the best of both words in this situation. Their introvert traits mean they identify with emotions and have a great deal of empathy, along with a need to have deeper conversations and get to the root of the problem.

Whereas the extrovert side to the extroverted introvert is the side that allows the connection to form and the conversation to flow easily.

3. You like to bond on a deeper level

Much like the introvert, the connections you make with others have to be deep and meaningful, and the extrovert side helps these connections be made through the ease of conversation and friendly nature.

If your conversations and relationships with others aren’t engaging and deep on a personable level, you lose interest and move onto people who are.

4. Recharging is a priority

Spending time alone to recharge, particularly after socializing, is a necessity for the extroverted introvert. Sure, they can chat away to strangers at a party for hours on end with ease, but afterwards, they need alone to recharge and reflect on the events.

5. You relate to both introverts and extroverts

One of the greatest advantages of being an extroverted introvert is actually being able to relate to the traits of both. Often, extroverts just don’t understand introverts and vice versa, but if you can identify and understand both – you’re probably an extroverted introvert.

There are many advantages to being an extroverted introvert, if you feel as though you fit into any of these traits mentioned above, please let us know. How do you feel you fit into both types? Are you closer to one end of the spectrum than the other?

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Nick

    Great article!! I fit all of the characteristics to a T. I’ve tried to classify myself before, but having traits of both left me with more questions than answers. So thanks for your research!! It’ll help me to understand myself better!

  2. Sharon

    I thank you, too. I fall right in the middle of the scale on the Myers-Briggs test, but I fit your description of the traits of the extroverted introvert much better than that of the ambivert.


    And what about introverted extroverts?

  4. Dc

    Thank you for your research didn’t even realise there was an explanation to why I’m like this so enlightening !

  5. Ian

    Isn’t this actually an ambivert?

  6. Tanisha Tyagi

    Thank you for bringing me to an end of my dilemma of being an introvert or sometimes an extrovert. I really fit into this type. Every single line of this article was like, it had been written for me.

  7. Lynette

    Oh my goodness I’m so glad I found this article. I’ve always felt like I fitted into both sides and none at the same time, if that makes sense. I can connect with both but not completely as I felt I also had strong traits of the other. I tick all the boxes of an extroverted introvert. I’m not one to be labeled by criteria but at the same time it nice to have somethings explained and know how you balance in such a dynamic spectrum

  8. jasmyn henry

    omg finally. this describes me perfectly

  9. Andy

    My wife and I both identify as “gregarious introverts”. You call it “extroverted introverts”, which sounds like an oxymoron, sort of like big-little. We both enjoy other people, on both a deep or superficial level, but we are definitely introverts. For me, as a child, there was no question about it whatsoever, I was often socially terrified, and as it says here, it’s innate. Ironically, on the test here I scored as “exrovert”, perhaps because it focuses on behavior. I disagree with your association of introversion with emotion. On the MBTI scale I am ISTP, for whatever that might be worth. I sympathize but do not empathize. I can read other people well, and offer genuine care and support, but I do not “feel their pain”, and although it gratifies me to be emotionally helpful, it also drains me. I rarely feel strong emotions myself. There are some very emotional, empathetic extroverts out there, so I fail to see the connection specifically to introversion.

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