Whether you have already met your soulmate or are still searching for them, how do you if they are thinking of you? Perhaps you have been getting strange feelings or coincidences, and you wonder if they are important soulmate signs. In this article, I will reveal the 14 signs your soulmate is thinking of you.

14 Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking of You

1. You start thinking of them at odd times

Experts on spirituality and soulmates often say, “Where energy goes it flows”, meaning when your soulmate thinks about you, you will notice and think about them. This energy can vary in intensity and length, depending on what your soulmate is feeling.

2. You hear them call your name

One of the stranger signs your soulmate is thinking of you is if you hear them call your name, but they’re not there. It will come out of the blue and may even startle or frighten you.

3. You feel inexplicable joy for no reason

When your soulmate thinks of you, their heart swells with love and longing, and this feeling is powerful enough to travel across the universe. It is not surprising, then, that you feel overcome with a feeling of joy you can’t explain.

4. You have moments of intense sadness for no reason

Likewise, when your soulmate is troubled, these feelings also transmit across space and time. You might be fine one moment and the next you are bawling for no apparent reason. Extreme mood swings are just one sign your soulmate is thinking of you.

5. You feel their touch

This is another strange sign that’s freaky. When your soulmate has intense feelings about you, this can morph into a physical touch. Perhaps you sense a brush against your arm, or someone stroking your hand. Again, it’s nothing to be worried about.

6. You wake up at the same time

Does your soulmate wake up when you do? This is especially significant if they wake at odd times, for instance, outside the usual 9-5.

7. You keep seeing things that remind you of them

It doesn’t matter whether it’s their make and model of car, their birth date, their favorite band or their name or surname. Anything that makes them pop into your head is a sign they’re thinking about you.

8. You get shivers or goosebumps out of the blue

Sometimes your soulmate’s thoughts about you are so powerful that they produce physical sensations. Your body shivers all over as if someone has walked over your grave. Or goosebumps appear out of nowhere.

9. You keep experiencing weird coincidences

When two people are soulmates, the universe does its utmost to bring them closer. It sends what it thinks are obvious signs, like coincidences. Perhaps you recommend a book, and they are already watching the film, or you both order the same takeout.

The coincidences will be weird. There will be no rational explanation.

10. You keep seeing Angel Numbers

Numbers are a way for the universe to send us clues. It can’t speak to us directly, so it uses coincidences and repeated numbers to draw our attention to a particular person or path. Pay attention when angel numbers like 11, 22, 11.11, 222 come up, and take special note if they keep repeating.

11. You think of your soulmate, and they call/text you that exact moment

soulmate connection

Perhaps you haven’t thought of this person as your soulmate but take it as a significant sign if the moment you think of them, they call or message you.

Soulmate energy connections flow both ways, just like a telephone. And even if you don’t believe in the spiritual world, quantum entanglement is the theory that sub-atomic particles are forever entangled and the scientific answer.

Either way, this is conspicuous and calls for attention. It’s the universe nudging you towards a certain person. Signs like this show you’re on the right path.

12. You see red string or red ribbon in unusual places

This sign may seem odd, but it crops up on many soulmate forums. Seeing red ribbon or string is a reminder that your soul connection is strong and nothing can break it. It doesn’t matter what circumstances you see the ribbon or string, for example, you could read this right now and that is a sign.

13. You dream about them all the time

Dreams are not only our subconscious mind’s way of dealing with repressed or buried thoughts. They are also a portal into your soulmate’s energy.

Of course, not every dream about a person is a sign your soulmate is thinking of you. Take notice of dreams with intense feelings, or those that appear to have a message for you. These are of interest.

14. You have hiccups/sneezing fits

Some people swear that hiccups or sneezing fits are signs your soulmate is thinking of you. I’m not sure I believe this, but there could be something to it. Those who are sensitive to moods and energies may have an adverse reaction to a change in vibrations, which causes the body to react in certain ways.

Final thoughts

If you have spotted signs your soulmate is thinking about you, it’s time to act. The universe is prodding you gently towards this person, and it wouldn’t do that unless they were important to you.


  1. wikihow.com
  2. mindbodygreen.com

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