The possibilities of our brains are infinitely vast. If you devote some time to a brain workout every day, you can get enormous opportunities and achieve success in business, career, and communication. This is what it takes to unlock the hidden power of your brain.

A person owes all their achievements in work, studies, or society to the hard work of their brain. Brain activity is equally important for students, businessmen, and employees. Everyone knows that things like learning new things, reading books, or watching educational TV programs have a positive effect on the brain.

But how to develop a way of thinking that would activate the resources of your brain that have not been involved before? Brain training does not require a lot of time, 15 minutes a day will be quite enough.

A Simple Exercise to Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Brain

There is a simple way to use more of the possibilities of your brain. All it takes is to see things from a different perspective.

Take 4 white sheets of paper. Alternatively, you could separate one sheet of paper into four parts.

On the first sheet, write down something familiar with your dominant hand from left to right. On the second one, write down the same, but in the opposite direction. On the third and the fourth ones, repeat the same, but this time, use the other hand.

The first sheet is an example which you should aspire to. Repeat your efforts every day and you will soon see that by putting your non-dominant hand to work and your brain to engage in ‘uncomfortable’ activities such as this one, you will indeed begin to think differently.

This simple exercise helps you unlock the hidden power of ​​your brain. Studies indeed show that doing activities such as writing, drawing, or brushing your teeth with your other hand stimulates brain function.

As a result, this simple brain training exercise will allow you to think outside the box and make non-conventional solutions. Therefore, you will be able to find an easy way out even in the most difficult situations, which will be quite a useful skill at work and in other spheres of life, too.

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Somnath Garai

    it’s really nice exercise to work on… plz give more brain exercise stuff with little more detail explanation about it…

  2. TacosRoclet

    How many times are we suppose to repeat this to put in a full day’s exercise?

  3. Rahul Pandey

    Its a very nice exercise for shorp your brain. realy . I m doing regularly and fill beter.

  4. Sorin

    When writing in the “opposite” direction does this mean we should write the exact same words from right to left or also reverse the order of characters within each word?
    1. I like the sea and the sky.
    2. sky the and sea the like I. or
    yks eht dna aes eht ekil I?

    1. Anna LeMind

      I think this means reversing all the characters, because it’s not difficult to write the exact words from right to left keeping the same order of characters, while reversing all characters may be a really challenging task (and this is what we need if we want to enhance our brain function), i.e. the second option is correct

  5. Bablue

    wonderful post, I am very thankful to you Anna. Tried it. Feeling better. Being a programmer i can really experience how new ideas are flowing and how I am coding much more efficiently. Thanks again.

  6. a

    why not both.
    I like the sea and the sky
    sky the and sea the like I
    I ekil eht eas dna eht yks
    yks eht dna eas eht ekil I

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