Everyone has heard the notion that we don’t use the full potential of our brain function. While the myth of humans using 10% of their brains has been debunked, our most important organ still holds mysteries. Scientists in a unique workshop in Barcelona, Spain, are working to unlock this potential and enhance the capabilities of the human brain.

Will Handling More Data Boost the Capabilities of the Human Brain?

The reason for this is that they want to find a way for the human brain to perform better in today’s world, which is filled with information.

Data collection is easy. The hard part is to make sense of them. However, living in a deluge of data, people often cannot cope with complex databases. The researchers are working with sophisticated virtual reality tools in order to provide assistance in that.

The CEEDS program coordinator and psychologist at the Goldsmith University of London Jonathan Freeman says:

The science shows that much of this background processing of data, which happens unconsciously, can provide useful information about the environment. So, it can identify if there are areas of concern and threats or if there is something potentially impressive that we haven’t detected.

We can use the touch, vision, and hearing to perceive the environment and the world around us. We strive to create an additional sense of the human subconscious processes. This gives people an extra ability to understand the sense of large data sets,” adds the scientist.

The scientists in this research program of the European Union basically want to make us smarter and more efficient through stimulating our subconscious. Thus, all the power of our creativity could be mobilized. And for this purpose, they use sophisticated technology.

The programmer Pedro Omedas from the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona explains,

We combine very different technologies. The platforms of virtual and mixed reality allow us to control the information in depth.

We also have systems that help us to extract information into the platforms. We use tracking systems to understand how a person moves in a given space.

We also have very different physiological sensors that monitor heart and respiratory rate to detect the signals produced by the user, consciously or not. A major challenge is that all such information should be integrated in a coherent way.

In turn, the neurologist Anna Mura from the same university emphasizes,

“The system allows us to upgrade our unconscious processes at the level of consciousness. And it can help us to explore additional information on complex databases. Information that could not be decoded without this extra help.”

Robot + Human Brain

However, because two minds work better than one, researchers sought help from a robot.

According to the scientific program director and psychologist at Pompeu Fabra Paul Verschure,

The brain is not a computer that simply controls an external device. It is closely connected with the body. Therefore, to understand the brain, we must see it in a body. A robot may be used as an example of such a body.”

As he says, “to understand the brain, we need to incorporate it into a robot. It is the next step in exploring how the brain works. In the end, it will help us understand the physical basis of consciousness.

The scientists hope that this is a step that will lead their research to the discovery of a scientific tool that will help enhance the capabilities of the human brain and allow us to handle and make sense of large data systems.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. George E Moss

    We do not use the full potential of our brains … correct! But the error of mainstream science is to exclude spirit as part of investigation; as if it does not exist! Spirit does exist, and through meditation and seance, some have used brain connections that others do not. One classic historic example is the seer ‘Nostradamus’. He was able to use that part of his brain that connects with spirit.

  2. tmraywood

    Though the 10% myth is debunked, the possibility of prosthetically enhancing the brain’s data storage & retrieval capabilities appears promising. Just this Tuesday (25 Feb 14), Dr. Michio Kaku plugged his new book “The Future of the Mind” on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He emphasized the importance of the brain’s ability to forget. But he was also plainly keen on what the future may hold in terms of artificially enhancing recall. For example, he pointed out, it could be arranged for Alzheimer’s patient to remember.

    A new serial on CBS called “Intelligence” attempts to swim in these waters a bit, by taking a decorated soldier and plugging a chip into his brain that gives him the ability to access anything electronic and any sort of database on the fly. It’s overacted, regularly full of holes in the plot, stiff in places, juvenile in others, just generally shaky on its legs. But the concept itself is intriguing and is nice to see in representational form (no matter the cost), especially when our hero is able to mock up a past event in 3D, scroll through it, freeze-frame it, and then navigate his way through it to view its particulars from any of various angles.

  3. quot from nicola tesla

    humanity and the earth are on the same frequency so if we can make a machine to tap into this frequency we can have mind control

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