Many illnesses have their roots in our spiritual wellbeing. A spiritual illness affects us physically, but to cure it, we may need to work on our spiritual health.

From a spiritual point of view, illness comes from an imbalance in our lives. It can often be a result of unhealthy beliefs we have picked up about the world, ourselves and other people. However, for true healing to occur, we cannot simply suppress the symptoms of illness with medication. Instead, we must look at the root cause of our spiritual illness.

We should, of course, seek medical attention for any illness that threatens our immediate health. However, many illnesses are spiritual in nature and can only be solved by deep emotional and spiritual work.

The following 10 signs may point to a spiritual illness:

1. Fear and anxiety

Fear and anxiety are common signs of spiritual illness. We would not feel fear and anxiety if we were in harmony with the world around us and had faith in the universe. Instead, we would feel secure and trusting.

If you suffer from fear and anxiety, it is a sign that you need to work on your beliefs. We can easily pick up unhealthy beliefs, such as that the world is a dangerous place or people can’t be trusted. These beliefs can have a negative effect on our lives. Examining our beliefs and creating new, more healthy ones can lead us back to spiritual health.

2. Resentment, anger, and blame

If we blame others for the circumstances in our life, we give away our power to make changes. If you experience a lot of resentment and anger, this indicates a spiritual illness. We cannot take action to become whole if we refuse to accept responsibility for the state of our lives.

Of course, if we have experienced negative things, we are not always to blame. However, we always have a choice in how we respond. Responding with resentment, anger, and blame will not lead us to spiritual and emotional health.

3. Guilt, shame, and remorse

We may feel remorse and guilt for actions that have harmed others. However, we need to forgive ourselves for these mistakes and ask for forgiveness from others where appropriate. Once we have done all we can to rectify our mistakes, we should let them go. We are not perfect and should not expect ourselves to go through life without ever making mistakes.

Shame and guilt can also come from our upbringing and social environment. When we experience shame about our bodies, our behavior, and our beliefs, it can damage us emotionally and spiritually. If others have used shame to control you in some way, you will need to let go of these feelings in order to thrive.

Self-acceptance is an essential part of spiritual well-being.

4. Irritability and chronic negativity

If you feel constantly negative, this is a sure sign of spiritual illness. Often, our negativity comes from a lack of personal power. Living a joyful and meaningful life seems impossible given our current circumstances. While we want to make changes, they seem beyond our reach.

Often, this state of negativity is made worse by the pressures of society such as the need to earn money, constant exposure to negative news stories, and irrational fears of not being acceptable to others.

Avoiding sources of negativity can be a first step in coming back to health. We can also try to switch our thoughts in more positive directions by being grateful for all that we do have.

5. Addictive Behaviors

All addictive behaviors have their roots in our emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Addictions can be used to mask our feelings and distract us from pain. Ultimately, the only way to overcome addictions is to look into the root causes and confront the issues we are trying to mask.

6. Apathy and listlessness

Spiritual sickness often manifests in apathy towards life. A sense of constant fatigue, lack of energy and enthusiasm can lead to us feeling that everything is pointless. It can be very difficult to overcome these feelings as we lack the energy to make changes. In addition, if we try to change and fail, we feel even more hopeless.

The solution to this sickness can come from making very small, consistent changes. These actions will boost our sense of being in control of our lives. A tiny new habit like drinking more water, taking a walk or meditating for five minutes, can help us get out of this downward spiral.

7. Physical Symptoms

Spiritual sickness can very often manifest as physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach upsets, muscle tension, and fatigue. If you suffer persistent physical symptoms, it is important to seek medical help. However, becoming more aware of your physical and emotional needs as well as spiritual needs can improve the situation dramatically.

Listen to your thoughts, emotions and your body and be guided by what you discover. Rest when you are tired, eat when you are hungry, practice good self-care and be more aware of how your thoughts affect you in a physical way.

8. Emotional remoteness

Spiritual illness can often make it difficult for us to form healthy emotional attachments. If we can’t love and accept ourselves, we find it impossible to believe that others can love and accept us. We can end up putting on a mask to face the world and never open up to others.

Learning to accept ourselves isn’t always easy, but focusing on our good points and achievements can help us to be more accepting of our true selves.

9. Melancholy and lack of joy

Depression has reached epidemic proportions in western society. There are many different reasons for this. However, spiritual illness is a significant factor. When economic, political or social circumstances force us to live a life that is not meaningful for us, we easily fall into melancholy. Even finding a few moments every day to do something that brings you joy can help begin the journey towards spiritual health.

10. Soul Loss

In many cultures, sickness is understood as a sign of soul loss. Soul loss can occur through a traumatic experience such as loss, abuse or war. However, soul loss can also be a result of a lack of self-acceptance and feelings of shame and worthlessness. We often try to hide the parts of ourselves that are not considered acceptable by our family or culture. This results in a splitting of the self.

To come back to wholeness, we need to learn to accept all parts of ourselves and give ourselves unconditional love. This doesn’t mean we don’t try to become better people, but this must come from a place of love rather than shame or fear.

Closing thoughts

Spiritual illness can seem scary and difficult to overcome. However, it also offers a powerful message of hope. We have the power to overcome what ails us. We can make a difference in our lives. By taking steps to understand and accept ourselves we can heal our soul and spirit and come back to wholeness and health.



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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Pam ZellnerSeligman

    How do I determine if my lifetime of on going extreme exhaustion, low energy, low motivation is caused by something other than a health issue ? I have have had every blood test, exam, physical test, brain scan, heart monitoring for a month, treadmill test performed. All tests have shown I am supposed to be healthy; but I can not shake the extreme exhaustion, low energy, low motivation. When I was young (till 16ish), my energy was endless. What can I do to fix this situation.

  2. A B

    Very informative and at the same time it’s also a mind opener. Every one of us has been through a lot from stress, depression and low self-esteem. And upon reading this, it touches my heart and soul. We also need to keep on praying and always thank God for all the blessings he gives to us. Prayer is such a powerful tool.

  3. Cleon Salmon

    Such a powerful message.
    I really like the way it was written to portray all the important and non-important features of an overall view of spiritual illness. The important thing is that it touched a tremendous feature of spiritual illnesses and the non-important things to keep in your life which is totally unhealthy.

  4. Elaine


  5. rachel frampton

    Dealing with life these past few month has been difficult for me, and it scared me that maybe this will affect my well being, which is why I’m thinking of consulting with a online spiritual healing therapist. Well, you made a pretty good point that responding to resentment will not lead me to spiritual and emotional health. You’re also right that people who are experiencing soul loss tend to hide their feelings from their loved ones because that”s how I feel right now.

  6. Robert

    Spirituality is a broad and subjective concept that encompasses a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. It often involves exploring questions about the meaning of life, the nature of existence, and the purpose of our existence.

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