5 Tools of Narcissistic Triangulation: Is Someone Doing This to You?

Narcissistic abuse is terrible enough, but having to deal with narcissistic triangulation is a whole other level of this illness. I’ve studied narcissism and other personality disorders for quite some time. I’ve learned about the traits and characteristics, and then, I discovered that we all have a certain level of…

Macdonald Triad Traits That Predict Psychopathic Tendencies in a Child

Do you think it is possible to detect psychopathic tendencies in adults from early childhood behaviour? The Macdonald Triad theorises that three particular behaviours are common amongst children who then display psychopathic traits as adults. The Macdonald Triad Traits are: Arson Cruelty to animals Bed-Wetting Children who exhibit all three…

Child Abuse and 5 Mindsets That Keep the Victims from Healing

The pain of child abuse is almost unbearable. Struggling with pain and a number of toxic mindsets are what may keep us from healing. When you’ve experienced child abuse, you understand how each day is a challenge. Not only do you have to deal with life’s present responsibilities, but you…

8 Signs You Grew Up as the Family Scapegoat and How to Heal from It

Were you blamed for almost everything when you grew up? If so, you could possibly have been the family scapegoat. The family scapegoat is the portion of the dysfunctional family that takes the brunt of every situation. No matter what happened, even if the situation could not possibly be any…

What Is the Problem Child in a Dysfunctional Family and 5 Signs This Was You

Within dysfunctional families resides the problem child. Are you the problem child in your dysfunctional family? You would be surprised by how many people grew up in a dysfunctional family. These people may have been neglected or even the problem child in this situation, depending on their actions and role…

7 Ways Alcoholic Parents Ruin Their Children’s Psyches and Lives

Alcoholic parents aren’t just a nuisance to themselves. Being an alcoholic can actually not only affect the person who drinks, but also their offspring as well. Personally, I didn’t grow up with alcoholic parents, but my children did. My ex-husband was an alcoholic and I remember many times, trying to…