6 Gaslighting Techniques Manipulators Use to Make You Feel Crazy

There are some sneaky gaslighting techniques dark personalities use to make their victims feel crazy. It is, therefore, important to recognize the signs of gaslighting before it’s too late. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone and their words and actions have made you feel like you are…

You Were Raised by Narcissists If You Can Relate to These 9 Things

Most people have no clue that they were raised by narcissists. In fact, many of the traits that develop from such a childhood often get misunderstood as isolated character traits. Let’s pretend we’re traveling in time, back to the 70s, 80s or 90s. In other words, let’s visit your childhood.…

What Are Emotional Triggers and How They Could Be Secretly Influencing Your Life

What are emotional triggers? Do you ever overreact to a comment by a friend or family member that really isn’t meant to upset you? At the same time, you feel like the rug has been whipped away from under your feet? Chances are you have certain emotional triggers and have…

7 Types of Unhealthy Mother-Daughter Relationships and How Each Affects Your Life

There are more unhealthy mother-daughter relationships than you might think. In fact, it’s possible that the connection with your own daughter is flawed. What you once thought was normal behavior may, in fact, be toxic. There are little indicators that prove you've witnessed unhealthy mother-daughter relationships, which are in dire need…