
8 Situations When Walking Away from an Elderly Parent Is the Right Choice

8 Situations When Walking Away from an Elderly Parent Is the Right Choice

Is walking away from an elderly parent ever the right choice? How do you cope with feelings of guilt or…

10 months ago

6 Signs Your Manipulative Elderly Parents Are Controlling Your Life

Our parents are an important part of our lives. However, sooner or later, the tables are turned. When your parent…

4 years ago

Elderly Loneliness and Its 4 Causes and Effects

Loneliness can affect people at any stage of their lives. However, as we get older, the fundamentals of life and…

4 years ago

4 Most Interesting Theories of Intelligence in Psychology

Intelligence and how we gain it has been a puzzle for centuries, but there are four theories in psychology I…

4 years ago

6 Reasons Why Turning 30 Years Old Is Not As Terrifying As It Seems

If you are in your late 20s, you probably freak out at the approaching milestone of turning 30 years old.…

4 years ago

Mere Exposure Effect: 3 Examples Show Why You Love Things You Used to Hate

The mere exposure effect can guide our preferences without us even realizing. In a year, you may like something you…

4 years ago

Why Making New Friends Gets More Difficult as You Grow Older

I’m not going to lie, making new friends is difficult. I’ve never had much luck with that. In fact, it…

6 years ago

10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s and How to Recognize & Deal with Them

By recognizing the early signs of Alzheimer's, you have a chance to help your loved ones who are at risk…

6 years ago