Which Mix of the Big Five Personality Traits Are You?

All of us have different personalities. However, psychologists believe that all of our personalities are actually a mixture of Big Five personality traits. The theory suggests that everyone has these key traits. However, each individual has a different amount of each. The traits work on a sliding scale with, for example,…

How to Deal with Anxiety without Medication: Practical Solutions

How to deal with anxiety without medication? This article will help you find out the natural ways to manage the condition. In today's world, we take medication for nearly everything. Any ache or pain, change in diet, etc., and the first solution on most people's minds is to medicate the…

7 Ways People With Anxiety Problems Perceive The World

According to a study by Current Biology, people with anxiety problems might have brains that are fundamentally different than their peers. But what does that mean in the real world? How do these neurological differences affect how people with anxiety problems see and interpret the things around them? Here are…

Psychiatric Disorders Like Anxiety and Bipolar Could Be the Cost of a High IQ, Science Reveals

Could high IQ be responsible for psychiatric disorders? Let's see what science has to say... It has generally been accepted that your level of IQ has some bearing on how physically healthy you are. This is because individuals that are healthy tend to practice certain lifestyles that require learning, knowledge…

7 Reasons Writing a Book Can Help With Your Depression

Could writing a book help you heal from mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety? At some point in their lives, nearly everybody will be impacted by situational or clinical depression. While there is no substitute for appropriate medical care and therapy, people struggling with depression often find that…

3 Types of Anxiety Based on Different Types of Energy (and How to Deal with Each)

There are three types of anxiety that correspond to three types of energy. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and a nice breeze is blowing through the trees. You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. Yeah, this sounds cliché, but this is one of my favorite…