What Is Emotional Hijacking? How to Recognize It and Deal with It

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by a situation that your normal reasoning processes are bypassed and you react in an irrational way? If so, you may have fallen victim to emotional hijacking. Emotional hijacking is a state where our emotions interfere with the functioning of our brain to the…

3 Neglected Social Anxiety Causes That Could Explain Your Mental Issues

Social anxiety is a common mental disorder in today’s world. According to estimates, around 7% of the US population were diagnosed in the past year while about 12% of American adults experience the symptoms at some point in their lives. What causes social anxiety? It is not totally clear what…

The Psychology of Fight-or-Flight Response and How to Make It Work for You

Anyone who has suffered from anxiety or panic attacks will undoubtedly have heard of the fight-or-flight response. It’s a rush of adrenalin you get that prepares your body to flee a dangerous scenario or stay and defend yourself. So how can we use the psychology of fight-or-flight response to our…

How to Quiet Your Monkey Mind with 6 Science-Backed Strategies

The term, “monkey mind” derives from the Buddhist’s interpretation of a restless, confused, and all sorts of chaotic thoughts. Do you have this problem? Hey guys, do you wake in the morning with restless thoughts running all over the place? Do you get up and feel confused because there are…