Terror Management Theory and How It Explains Our Beliefs and Behaviors

We all get scared of the fatality of human life, but the Terror Management Theory may be affecting you more than you realize. Fear of death is a natural reaction when we become aware of its inevitability. We all have our own ways of managing this fear, from acceptance to…

Feeling Anxious for No Reason? Why It Happens and How to Cope

When money becomes tight, careers get derailed by layoffs or loved ones face serious illnesses, most people naturally feel stressed, afraid and worried. However, why are some people feeling anxious for no obvious reason and are getting crushed under the force of intruding negative thoughts even when all is right…

How to Deal with Obsessive Thoughts When You Have Depression or Anxiety

Obsessive thoughts and painful feelings are the curses of depression. One of the most agonizing effects this affliction brings with it is intrusive and unwanted thoughts. If you are one of the people who suffer from both anxiety and depression, day-to-day life can feel burdensome because of compulsive thoughts. Unwanted…

8 Best Jobs for Introverts with Anxiety to Help Them Unleash Their Potential

Working life can be very difficult for anxious introverts. Luckily, there are jobs for introverts with anxiety that suit them and make for a fulfilling, low-stress life. Obviously, the best careers for introverts with anxiety don't involve a lot of stressful contact with people such as conferences, sales calls and…

7 Signs and Root Causes of Neurotic Behavior, According to Science

Neurotic behavior has a wide spectrum of characteristics. This actually makes it difficult at times to pinpoint the signs. Neurosis is an old term, deriving from the psychology of Sigmund Feud. Anyone can admit neurotic behavior from time to time. However, severe neurotic behavior which crosses the threshold of normalcy…