Narcissist’s Silent Treatment Can Be Really Damaging: How to Recognize It and Learn to Cope

Do you know what’s worse than outward narcissistic abuse? The narcissist’s silent treatment can cause loads more damage, hands down. Although there are many levels of narcissism, one thing is common in all forms. The narcissist’s silent treatment is present no matter how severe the narcissistic characteristics. For many of…

Jung’s Collective Unconscious and How It Explains Phobias and Irrational Fears

Ever wondered how your collective unconscious can affect your everyday behaviour? Are you afraid of snakes but never actually seen one? You’re not alone. In fact, it seems the inner psyche has been the topic of study for many scientists - but one, in particular, stands out to this day.…

How to Spot a Sociopathic Liar and Why You Should Stay away from Them

Don’t get caught out by a manipulative liar, especially when they have sociopathic tendencies. Look out for these signs and steer well clear. What is a sociopathic liar? Unfortunately, they come in all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life. The unsuspecting romantic partner, work colleague or internet fraudster can…

7 Subtle Ways Childhood Trauma Affects You When You Are an Adult

Childhood trauma comes in many forms. No matter what form it may take, the after-effects can create strange actions as an adult. If you’ve experienced childhood trauma, then one thing’s for sure, you cannot forget. That’s just the tip of the iceberg as well. Childhood trauma, whether it’s bullying or…

Jungian Psychology and Its Little-Known Connection with Synchronicity

Do you think it’s important to pay attention to things like coincidences? If so, you might just be interested in Jungian psychology. For instance, have you thought about calling someone you haven’t spoken to for ages? And then suddenly they call you out of the blue? Have you remembered a…

OCD and Perfectionism: What Is the Difference between the Two?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD and perfectionism have become common words that people use to describe themselves, but what is the difference between them? Both look very similar to a family member, friend, or coworker on the surface level. However, they are very different in the ways in which people are…