10 Levels of Consciousness – Which One Are You At?

Many spiritualist or esoteric traditions have mapped out the idea that people's consciousness could exist at different levels. The below system proposes 10 distinct levels of consciousness: 1. The physical level of consciousness On the first level, you identify with the physical and material realm completely. You are an embodiment…

4 Reasons Why Empaths and Highly Sensitive People Freeze Around Fake People

Empaths and highly sensitive people detect things in human behavior that others miss. Have you ever met someone that everyone else liked but who made you feel uncomfortable? Did someone ever give you a compliment that made you feel angry and irritable rather than happy? If you are an empath…

5 Ways to Learn How to Use the Power of Your Introvert Characteristics

Introvert characteristics can become your greatest asset if you learn to use their power. It often feels like this is an extrovert’s world. After all, you’re expected to market yourself, create a personal brand to sell yourself, and do a thousand other things in order to wrench the spotlight in…

What Is an Intuitive Empath and How to Recognize If You Are One

Intuitive empath is a person who has an unusual capacity for sensing and understanding the feelings of others. Could you be one? Intuitive empaths know what others feel without needing to be told, and they have an unusually sharp sense for whether someone is being truthful or lying. For this reason, many…