7 Struggles Only Highly Intelligent People Will Understand (and How to Overcome Them)

Being smart has huge benefits, but it isn’t always easy. Here are seven problems highly intelligent people often have and a few ways to overcome them. 1. Highly intelligent people can be under more pressure to achieve success For people who have always done well academically, there can be huge…

10 Things Truly Authentic People Do Differently from Everyone Else

What is an authentic person? And how are authentic people different to everyone else? An authentic person is much more genuine and honest about who they are and what they believe in. They are unique because they don’t let others influence their decisions and opinions, and they don’t take criticism…

5 Surprising Signs That You May Have Above Average Intelligence

What does above average intelligence actually entail? We all know one person who is so smart, the term 'genius' just seems to fit them perfectly. But what are the actual traits of a genius and how do you know if you are one? Well, according to scientists, it’s actually quite…

6 Signs of Toxic People and How to Deal with Them

Toxic people are very common and can be found anywhere. It is, therefore, important to recognize the signs of toxic people to distance yourself from them before it's too late. In fact, it’s almost certain that we all have one in our lives – the grumpy co-worker, that gossiping aunty or…

Why the Silent Treatment Is Scientifically the Best Way to Deal with Difficult People

Throughout my years of living on this planet and dealing with some of the most unbearable people I have ever met, I very quickly found that the silent treatment is a very valuable weapon to have in your holster. It’s a quick way to make someone realise that they are…